Daily Media Summary, 08-14-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The arrival of Zmapp in Liberia, Liberty Party’s donation towards the fight against Ebola, Liberia Reconstruction & Development Company’s donation to the Ebola taskforce and the appointment of the new Public Procurement Concessions Commission Executive Director are the most dominant stories in the selected dailies for today’s summary.


Dominant Stories

Zmapp Arrives: Liberia Gets Test Drug For Two Doctors

The Government of Liberia has received the first three doses of the Drug Z-Mapp, which was brought into the country on Wednesday evening via a Delta Airline Flight, accompanied by Foreign Minister Augustine K. Ngafuan. The drug is to be administered to two Liberian doctors Dr. Abraham Borbor and Dr. Zokonis Ireland currently in isolation center at the John F. Kennedy Medical Hospital after contracting the deadly Ebola virus. Tolbert Nyenswah, Assistant Health Minister for curative services at the ministry of health receiving the drug said that it is currently in an experimental stage and will require the consent of the two doctors for it to be administered to them. “Our government negotiated with a private company, with the approval of the FDA for the United States to see how these drugs that have just arrived, can be given to patients here in Liberia as an experimental treatment for the Ebola virus disease,” FrontPage Africa reports.

Related Captions:Death Waiver For Ebola Drug…Health Minister Discloses (The News Newspaper),Experimental Ebola Drugs Arrive (New Democrat Newspaper),and Big Relief Ebola Drugs In Town (The New Republic Newspaper)


LP Gives US$5k To Red Cross, Samaritan Purse For Ebola Fight

As part of its intervention in the fight against the deadly Ebola virus, the opposition Liberty Party has donated the sum of US$5,000.00 to two humanitarian organizations working in Liberia to combat the Ebola disease. The Samaritan Purse and the Red Cross are expected to receive US$2, 500.00 each, the Chairman of the party told reporters Wednesday at a news conference.
According to Atty. J. Fonati Koffa, after the outbreak of the Ebola virus the party immediately began consultations with its USA chapter, which resulted in the establishment of a special Ebola coordination task force of the Liberty that will be jointly co-chaired by former Nimba County Superintendent Edith Gongloe Weh and Montserrado county Senatorial candidate Benjamin Sanvee. The two officials of the party will work in coordination with the party’s USA branch headed by Mr. Philip Suah in putting together in the coming days the party’s sustained coordination efforts that will rapidly assist the Ebola fight, writes FrontPageAfrica.


Related Captions:Several Donate To Fight Against Ebola (The Inquirer Newspaper),LP Donates To Gov’t (New Democrat Newspaper) and LP Readies Ebola Equipment From USA (The Analyst Newspaper)


LRDC Donates To Ebola Taskforce

According to the New Dawn Newspaper, the Liberia Reconstruction & Development Company or LRDC has donated 50 pieces of personal protective clothing to the National Ebola Taskforce in support of the ongoing nationwide fight against the deadly virus. The Ebola virus has killed over 3,00 citizens, especially doctors and nurses with hundreds of suspected cases being reported across the country. On Monday, a Chinese cargo plane landed at the Roberts International Airport in Margibi County with a consignment of medical supplies, valued at US$1. 5million, including personal protective equipment, thermometers, sanitizers and drugs to help fight the deadly Ebola Virus Disease. An experimental Serum from the United States arrived here Tuesday, to be used on affected Liberian doctors. Making the donation in Monrovia on Wednesday, 13 August LRDC managing director, Yusef Johnson, said the company is disturbed by the magnitude of the spread of the virus in the country and the unimaginable deaths it continues to inflict on the population. “It is extremely tragic that the virus is also taking the lives of our healthcare workers, who are at the front line, risking their lives, providing health care for the victims of this virus”, he said. Mr. Johnson said Ebola is a common enemy to all and Liberians must galvanize their best strength to fight and defeat the virus. 


Related Captions: LRDC Donates To Ebola Taskforce (Daily Observer, and Heritage Newspapers)


PPCC Appoints New Executive Director

The Board of Commissioners of the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC) has appointed Mr. James Dorbor Jallah, as Executive Director of the commission. The appointment of Mr. Jallah followed a competitive and transparent recruitment process witnessed and certified by international and bilateral organizations including the African Development Bank (ADB), USAID GEMS, and the United Nations Development Programmed (UNDP).  The Interview Panel comprised the Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA) Civil Service Agency (CSA), Governance Commission, and the Public Procurement and Concession Commission, INSIGHT reports.

Related Caption:PPCC Gets New Executive Director (Heritage Newspaper), Dorbor Jallah Appointed PPCC New Executive Director (IN PROFILE DAILY Newspaper), PPCC Appoints New Executive Director (Inquirer Newspaper), and PPCC Appoints New Executive Director (The Analyst Newspaper)

Other Stories

I. Coast Imposes Economic Blockade On Ebola-Hit Liberia

According to FrontPage Africa Newspaper, Liberia could be bracing for the worst before a glimmer of light shows up at the end of the tunnel. Already struggling to deal with the deadly Ebola outbreak, the post-war nation is poised for a major shortage of food, petroleum and basic necessities in the wake of a decision by the neighboring Ivory Coast to block access of ships using its space as a transshipment point due to the Ebola outbreak, FrontPageAfrica has learned. The World Health Organization’s latest tally of the dead reports 1,013 deaths across four countries — Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone reported the most confirmed and probable cases, 730, and the third-highest death toll, 315.  Health workers suspect that this figure may be far too low, given the number of confirmed Ebola cases in the country, 656. Both Liberia and Sierra Leone have declared a state of emergency in hopes of controlling the spread but with limited success.


LTA Joins Ebola Fight – Donates Nissan Patrol To Help Combat The Deadly Disease

The Liberia Telecommunications Authority has donated a Nissan Patrol to help facilitate efforts in the fight against Ebola.  At a joint sector press conference the nation’s telecom regulator made the presentation to the National Task Force, which is overseeing the planning and implementation of resources and donations. LTA Acting Chair is Anthony McCrity said ‘ we will be following up with how this vehicle will be used to get out into the field and serve the people, transportation is vital this is a very reliable SUV’, FrontPage Africareports.

More Ebola Patients Discharged At ELWA

The Medical Director of the ELWA Hospital in Paynesville, outside Monrovia, Mr. Jerry Fahnloe Brown, said his hospital has discharged 10 persons infected with the deadly Ebola virus and also disclosed that more will be discharged on Saturday, August 16. He said the hospital currently has 63 patients at its treatment center. Mr. Brown told President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf during a visit to the hospital Tuesday that the about ten patients, who had undergone treatment from Monrovia and surroundings, have already been discharged. He also disclosed on Tuesday, August 12 that 63 Ebola cases were in an isolation room, while the hospital was awaiting the test results of additional 34 suspected patients. Charting with President Sirleaf at the ELWA Hospital Compound, he said about three kids and two Physician Assistants were discharged earlier, while two other patients were also discharged on Monday, August 11 after their second test.
He, however, said ELWA was basically managing patients symptomatically- meaning they were being handled with respect to the symptoms they show because “we don’t have any specific drug for the disease for now,” New Dawn reports.

Related Caption:10 Suspected Ebola Victims Cleared(The Inquirer Newspaper)


Green Cities Launches Ebola Awareness

Green Cities, a youth group here has embarked on an Ebola awareness campaign in several communities in Monrovia and its environs. The awareness is being carried out in densely populated communities such as Slipway, borough of New Kru Town, Paynesville, West Point Township, Clara Town and Soul Clinic, respectively. In the wake of the spread of the deadly Ebola virus, the group has taken the initiative to help educate residents on prevention tips and how to protect themselves and their communities. Green Cities CEO James F. Mulbah, said the exercise is intended to assist government spread the message of the deadly virus, New Dawn Newspaper reports.


Nurse Uses Thermometers On Thousands

The Daily Observer Newspaper reports that the Government of Liberia has begun testing citizens in eight counties for the deadly Ebola disease. This testing of individuals is meant to control the spread from counties believed to be highly infected with the killer disease. Several counties, including Bomi, Lofa, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Bassa, Margibi Montserrado and Grand Gedeh, have been controlled to regulate the movement of people going in and out of those areas. The Daily Observer recently discovered that the control process as announced by the Liberian government took a different dimension as the temperatures of those leaving from one area to another were tested by nurses assigned at various checkpoints using only three thermometers. The testing process has been questioned by some segments of the Liberian society, including foreign nationals who visited Bomi over the weekend. Bomi County is among eight counties quarantined by the Liberian government. In an interview with the Daily Observer over the weekend, Mr. Shang Guan, a Chinese national, said the intention of the government is good but is also dangerous to the health of citizens and foreigners alike. Mr. Guan refused to be tested with any of the three thermometers used by the county health team at the Bomi checkpoint.


Ebola Wreaks Havoc in Lofa

According to the Daily Observer Newspaper, the Ebola virus is taking a deadly toll on the northern county of Lofa where the deadly disease initially crossed over from neighboring Guinea.  More and more people in that county continue to be victimized by the virus. In a statistical report provided by the Lofa Health Team on the status of the situation in the county, made available to the Daily Observer Wednesday, August 13, there were 38 deaths recorded in three days.  These include confirmed Ebola cases, probable and suspected. This report covers the three-day period August 8 to 11, 2014. The number of new contact cases within this period (August 8-11) stands at 81. The total deaths in the county since May 29, 2014 to date stands at 221. Lofa is so far one of the most highly affected counties. The update also disclosed that the number of patients presently at the Foya Care Center (August 8-11), one of the two Ebola centers in the country, stands at 81. New reported death amongst health workers (August 8-11) is one, totaling 12 deaths since the outbreak in May. During this period, 45 specimens were taken and tested: 15 were positive, 8 negative and the rest are still pending. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf recently said she is saddened by the fast pace at which the virus is spreading in the country, especially to other communities that were not previously affected. “And what this means is that our people are still not listening to the pieces of advice and instructions that are being given.”  Such instructions include constant hand washing; avoiding handshakes and touching in general; immediate reporting of cases of high fever, vomiting and bleeding; and avoiding touching anyone suspected to have the virus. Meanwhile it is being reported that nine members of a single family of 15 were being removed from the Macenta road community, in the capital Voinjama, to the Foya Care Center. This is, however, another worrying concern for the people of Voinjama City, as it wrestles in the grip of the virus.


First West Point Ebola Body Removed Yesterday Morning

The body of an Ebola victim in West Point, Monrovia’s largest slum, was yesterday removed after two nights in the open. The West Point Commissioner, Madam Haja Flowers, told the Daily Observer, the individual, a male, dropped dead on Monday and repeated calls were made for its removal, but response was delayed.  However, on Wednesday morning government people came and picked up the body for transport to the crematorium. The head of a leading church  in West Point revealed to the Daily Observer last night that the victim whose body was removed was a mentally unstable man who had resided at the football field in West Point. The church leader told this newspaper that there are other suspected Ebola cases near New Road in West Point, and that health authorities were en route to the township last night to conduct tests on them.  If these tests proved   positive, the affected persons will be taken away and quarantined.  This church leader further informed the Daily Observer that he had learned that several persons from Guinea afflicted with the virus had entered West Point and had since died and were secretly buried.  There are other affected persons from Guinea who are feared to have fled the places where they were living in West Point, and are now circulating in the wider community.  This is highly dangerous, this church leader said, reports the Daily Observer Newspaper.


DOWUL Lauds China

The leadership and members of the Dock Workers Union of Liberia or DOWUL at the National Port Authority have extended thanks and appreciation to Chinese Ambassador here, Yue Zhang, and the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the donation of medical supplies to Liberia to buttress the fight against the deadly Ebola epidemic in the country. The president of DOWUL, Jackie N. Doe, said the commendation is in response to the timely intervention by China, a true partner of Liberia. Madam Doe also thanked President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf for her continues effort in upholding the diplomatic ties existing between the Republic of Liberia and the People’s Republic of China, New Dawn reports.


Supreme Court Approves Rapist Life Imprisonment

The Supreme Court of Liberia has endorsed a sentence for life imprisonment brought against rape convict Joseph Gardea, whose 12 years old step-daughter accused him before her death, that he painfully raped her several times. On Wednesday, August 13, the Supreme Court ruled on an appeal filed by defendant Gardea following his conviction at the Criminal Court E, Temple of Justice where multiple state witnesses, including his biological nine year-old daughter, SarahGardea, had testified that her dad raped the victim. In a horrifying account reviewed by the Supreme Court, it was heard that nine years old Sarah, junior sister of the deceased rape victim had testified in court that their father, Joseph committed the act in the Chicken Soup Factory, Gardnerville while their mother was usually out on business trips. Giving the Supreme Court’s opinion yesterday, Associate Justice Kabineh M. Ja’neh, said the victim told nurses in the presence of her stepfather that each time their mother went on a business trip; Joseph would visit their house in the Chicken Soup Factory, call her in the room and rape her, New Dawn reports.

Related Caption:Supreme Court Sentences Man For Rape(The Inquirer Newspaper)


Woman Guilty Of Simple Assault Gets 6-Month Sentence

 According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, The Supreme Court has sentenced a woman, defendant Musu Mayango, convicted of simple assault to six months in jail at the infamous Monrovia Central Prison has sentenced. The high court’s sentence was announced on Wednesday during the handing down of opinion and rendering of judgments in cases heard for the March 2014 Term of Court. The Grand Jury of Montserrado County indicted defendant Musu Mayango in April 2006 for aggravated assault, allegedly meted against complaint Anna Bassie in which she reportedly sustained injury. Initially defendant Mayango was charged with simple assault, but the court changed the charge to a first - degree misdemeanor after the Judge realized that the injury allegedly inflicted against the complaint was grave. She was tried in June 2013 by the lower Criminal Court “A” at the Temple of Justice where she was found guilty following the end of the trial after she earlier pleaded not guilty to the criminal offense of simple assault and sentenced by the lower court to six-month in jail. Her lawyer rejected to the guilty verdict and announced an appeal to the Supreme Court alluding that the law required 30 day jail sentence for anyone found guilty of the offense of aggravated assault and not a six-month as announced by the lower court.