Daily Media Summary, 08-10-2015



News of China’s over 300,000 donation for the construction of a diplomatic lounge at the Roberts International Airport, President Johnson Sirleaf’s dedication of a cassava processing center in Clay Ashland and the reopening of the Chronicle newspaper are stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.




China Donates Over 300,000 For Diplomatic Lounge Construction

The New Republic newspaper reports that Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan has disclosed that the Government and People of the People’s Republic of China have donated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Liberia US$320,000 for the construction of a diplomatic lounge. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the lounge will be situated at the Roberts International Airport (RIA), a few miles from Monrovia, capital city of Liberia. The amount, which is provided in Chinese Yuan (2 million), is being committed through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. According to Foreign Min. Ngafuan, the amount is going to be directly donated to his Ministry so that it can carry out the project, since in fact all diplomatic and foreign missions’ issues are supervised by his Ministry. The Liberian Foreign Minister said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will coordinate with the Chinese Embassy near Monrovia and the management of the RIA for the implementation of this project. “So President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf joins the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in thanking Foreign Minister Wang Yi for this generous donation,” Mr. Ngafuan said. Foreign Minister Ngafuan spoke yesterday, August 9, during a press stakeout in the Foyer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs following several meetings between the delegation of the visiting Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs and that of the Liberian Government.  The Minister also took the time to praise the strong bilateral ties that exist between Liberia and China and to thank his Chinese counterpart for the visit to Liberia. According to Minister Ngafuan, the Chinese Foreign Minister’s visit to Liberia was meant to demonstrate China’s continual solidarity with the Government and people of Liberia and to access China’s cooperation and support to Ebola-hit nations. Earlier, he stated that Foreign Minister Wang and delegation’s visit is for them to see “first hand progress achieved thus far in the post-Ebola recovery effort of the Government of Liberia and to exchange views on the challenges to the recovery process as well as explore means for the consolidation of the relationship”. Minister Ngafuan said before he and Foreign Minister Wang had come to address the press in the Foyer of the Foreign Ministry, Mr. Wang and delegation had met with President Sirleaf and officials of the Liberian Government and they had “fruitful and mutually rewarding discussions with Min. Wang and his high-powered delegation on areas that are critical to not only development of Liberia but to the advancement of the strong diplomatic ties between our two countries”.  According to Min. Ngafuan, President Sirleaf described Min. Wang’s two-day visit “as an authentication of the strength of the mutually beneficial relationship between our two countries.” He further added that the visit has given a new stimulus to both nations’ already strong relationship. The Liberian Foreign Minister praised China’s role in Liberia’s fight against the deadly Ebola virus disease. “China came to Liberia when we were bedridden as a result of the Ebola crisis and they helped us to get back to our feet and they are helping us now to run faster and catch up,” he added.  He stated that the post-conflict and development story of Liberia would be incomplete if the tremendous contributions of China are not given significant chapters. He said China has committed itself to expediting the already agreed projects, including the US$60 million Ministerial Complex, which when completed will house not less than 10 ministries, an annex to the National Legislature and all other projects.  According to a Foreign Ministry release, Min. Ngafuan further stated that China has agreed to also help with the building of human resource capacity and infrastructure development. In that line, the Foreign Minister disclosed that China has agreed to increase the annual scholarship it provides for Liberians to study in China from 15 to 40. He among other things further stated that China promised to help Liberia establish, including steel plant that will provide more job creation for Liberians. The Minister thanked both the Chinese Ambassador to Liberia, Mr. Zhang Yue and Liberia’s Ambassador to China, Mr. D. McKinley Thomas and all others, who worked hard to the deal fruitful.  For his part, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said though Liberia was hit hardest among the three West African worst-hit by the deadly virus, but under the strong the leadership of President Sirleaf and with the solidarity of the Liberian people, Liberia has successfully before the first country to end the Ebola epidemic. He added: “I think Liberia as a country and nation has miraculously stood up from the hospital bed. I believe you have emerged stronger from this crisis”. Mr. Wang said he had come to congratulate Liberians and to hold discussions on specific ways to enhance the bilateral relations between both nations. He stated that in both countries’ battle against the virus, they cooperated fully and both sides have come to realize that each side is a reliable partner. He further said that after holding talks with President Sirleaf and other government officials, they are prepared to help Liberia in its social and economic development needs. He stressed that China will not attached any political conditions or impose any requests on any African nation that they help. Foreign Minister Wang said their future corporation will focus on infrastructure development, adding that they will encourage China’s companies to take more active part in Liberia’s resources development. He disclosed that he and the Liberian side reached a consensus on all the development areas during their meetings. Responding to a question about Liberia being closely tied to the US and with China coming in to help, how can such corporation be maintained, Foreign Minister Wang said China was open to Liberia in all areas. He gave one as example in which he said that both China and the United States have agreed to renovate the Roberts International Airport. Mr. Wang said such corporation can be explored in many other areas in Liberia. He departed Liberia for Guinea, which is the last leg of his three-nation African tour before he heads back to China. His first stop was in Sierra Leone.  In a related development, under the caption “Standing By Liberia Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Says China Will Help Enhance Capacity In Independent Development“, the FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that visiting Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, has assured that his country will continue to be a true friend to Liberia and will stand with the struggling West African nation during difficult periods. Minister Wang Yi said in time of difficulties, China and Liberia need to offer each other a helping hand, saying China as a responsible member of the international community, has the obligation to make its contribution and play major role in time of public health crisis like the just ended Ebola virus. the News Dawn newspaper reports under the caption President Sirleaf Welcomes Chinese Investment”, that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said Liberia welcomes China investments wholeheartedly and said Liberians are grateful to have China as a good friend. “We are pleased that you visiting us at the time we are embarking on the recovery process from the Ebola Virus. Your visit will provide you the opportunity to see firsthand the process we have made as a country in our pro Ebola recovery process and to exchange views on how the people of the Republic of China can contribute in our recovery process from Ebola. President Sirleaf said the government of China has played a pivotal role in the fight against Ebola in Liberia by sending a flight to Liberia with medical supply and equipment.


Related Captions: EJS Extols China’s Support To Liberia (The News). Ellen Extols China’s Support To Liberia As China Donates US$300,000 Diplomatic Lounge At RIA (Heritage), Ellen Extols China…As China Donates US300,000 Diplomatic Lounge At RIA (The Independent), China Donates Over 300,000 For Diplomatic Lounge Construction (FOCUS), China Commits To Support Liberia’s Reconstruction (Daily Observer), China Promises More For Liberia (The Inquirer), China Donates Over 300,000 For Diplomatic Lounge Construction (INSIGHT) 


Ellen Dedicates Cassava Processing Center In Kormah Town, Clay Ashland

The Daily Observer writes that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has praised the European Union (EU) for its continuous contribution to Liberia’s recovery efforts. According to an Executive Mansion release, Madam Sirleaf made the comments when she dedicated a modern cassava processing center in Kormah Town, Clay Ashland, Montserrado County on Friday, August 7, 2015. She expressed satisfaction and said she was very impressive. “I am very impressed. What this project has done today means, it has set an example all over that we mean business,” President Sirleaf indicated. President Sirleaf thanked the people of Kormah for their support to the country’s agricultural sector and for complementing government’s efforts to ensure that enough food is available on the Liberian market at an affordable price.


Related Captions: Pres. Dedications Cassava Processing Center (The New Republic), Cassava Processing Center Dedicated In Kormah Town (FOCUS), Pres. Sirleaf Dedicates Cassava Processing Plant (The New Dawn)


Back On The Newsstand, Supreme Court Orders Chronicle Newspaper Reopened

The Supreme Court of Liberia has ruled in favor of a petition filled by the Chronicle newspaper through the Press Union of Liberia ordering the reopening of the newspaper. Handling the court’s ruling, Chief Justice Francis Korkpor said the writ of prohibition was filed against the Government of Liberia by the Press Union of Liberia. In their complaint, the petitioners (PUL and Chronicle) alleged that the Government acting through the National Police evaded the paper and arrested two staffers, thus preventing the paper from operating, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions: Unlawfully Shut Down-Supreme Court Orders Reopening Of National Chronicles (FOCUS), Supreme Court Orders Gov’t: “Open Chronicles Newspaper With Immediate Effect” (Hot Pepper), Victory At Last-National Chronicles Is Back (Success Forum),   (The Inquirer)





China To Build First Steel Plant Here

At the peak of bilateral talks with President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, China’s Foreign Minister Mr. Wang Yi says his country is prepared to add value to Liberia's raw material, as he announced plans to establish a steel plant here. Prior to Mr. Yi’s arrival here on Saturday, August 8, President Sirleaf had requested China’s ore mining company – China Union – through Ambassador Zhan Yue for the establishment of a steel plant in Liberia. After a bilateral meeting with President Sirleaf Sunday, 9 August, Mr. Yi said China and Liberia have realized the importance of a lasting, stable and strong relationship which is entirely in the interest of a long term and fundamental interest of the people. He said part of the discussion with President Sirleaf, Liberia’s Foreign Minister and other officials, was centered on the needs that Liberia has – economic and social, committing that China will speedily help Liberia in increasing its self-dependent through development capacity that will reach out to the entire population. “… And we will not attach any political conditions or impose or request from any African country,” he said, adding that China will encourage it businesses to take more active part and assist development and help to Liberia built industrial structures as a way of sustaining development here, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Hydro-China Int’l To Invest In Liberia’s Energy Sector

Authorities of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) recently received a delegation from the Hydro China International Engineering Company, Limited as a follow up to a MOU signed between the LEC represented by its Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chinese company on July 3, 2015 in Beijing, China. The meeting was centered on the Hydro-China’s possible investment in Liberia’s energy sector. Speaking on behalf of Hydro-China, the General Manager, Mr. Hu Junde expressed delight over the visit to Liberia and promised his company’s willingness to improve the Liberian national energy grid. For his part, the Acting Chief Executive Officer of LEC, Mr. John F. Burke, thanked the Chinese visiting delegation and promised LEC’s readiness to work with them in the future, the News writes.


Grand Bassa Gets Ambulance – Electricity Underway

Grand Bassa County Electoral District #4 Representative, Jeh Byron Brown, has donated an ambulance for use by the six public clinics in the county. The six clinics have mostly depended on commercial vehicles to transfer patients over the years. The residents did not only describe the donation of the ambulance as a “patient transport ambulance”, but also as a “Divine gift” that was “Heaven sent”. The ceremony was held last Saturday in District #3, which is part of Electoral District #4 in the Wee Statutory District. The county clinical supervisor, John Geedeh, said the ambulance will greatly help to transport pregnant women, and newborn babies who need intensive medical care, Daily Observer reports.