Daily Media Summary, 07-31--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s dominant stories are all focused on the Government’s stringentn fight against the deadly Ebola virus as contained in its newly launched Action Plan. Such include new compulsory measures towards the fight, the request for about US$20M by the Health Ministry, the donation of €2M by European Union, among others. Another dominant story focuses on NEC’s decision to rotate Magistrate.

Dominant stories

Dominating today’s newsstand are stories on the new compulsory measure made by the National Task Force in the fight against Ebola delivered by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on July 30, 2014. A

Daily Observer

Newspaper caption Ebola Task Force Announces Strict Measures, reports that in addition to the initial rigid measures put in place by the National Task Force (NETF) on Ebola constituted by President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf, during the 167th Independence Day celebration in Monrovia to address the severity of the virus’ outbreak in the country, the NETF has announced more stringent measures to contain the
disease. Addressing the nation Wednesday, July 30, 2014, at the Foreign Ministry, President Johnson Sirleaf said the virus is ravishing the country. Accordingly, the President announced that, all
non-essential staff are to be placed on a 30 day compulsory leave, all public facilities to be chlorinated on August 1, 2014, all borders that are to remain open are to be directly supervised and controlled
by Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, without exceptions, all schools are ordered closed pending further directive from Ministry of Education, all markets at border areas are hereby ordered closed until further notice, all citizens are seriously advised to avoid public amusement and entertainment centers and a declaration of duty free on all sanitation commodities amongst others. Another Caption: Amid Ebola, Buses, Taxi Cabs Ordered To Reduce Passenger, from FrontPage
Africa Newspaper, reports that commercial buses and taxi cabs drivers who often load passengers above the normal seating capacity due to the shortage of commercial vehicles will now have to reduce their passengers or face arrest and prosecution. Justice Minister Christian Tah issued the order along with several other measures Wednesday in what she referred to as preventive security measures aimed at preventing the further spread of the deadly Ebola virus which has claimed several lives, including that of medical practitioners since the virus outbreak into the country from neighboring Guinea in March.

“Police officers on the scene of overcrowded vehicles and do not make any arrest if caught, you will be dismissed” said Justice Minister Jah at her first press Conference since the Supreme Court lifted her six months suspension held Wednesday at her Sinkor office, which was attended by heads of every security apparatus in the country and that of the Deputy Minister of Information for Public Affairs, Isaac
Jackson, Assistant Health Minister for Preventive Affairs Tolbert Nyensuah. She stated that as part of the security preventive measures the police would arrest vehicles that fail to adhere to overcrowding
and those in the habit of spreading false information about the Ebola outbreak as well as confiscate bush meat that will be placed on sale which has been considered as one of the carriers of the deadly Ebola virus.

Related Captions: Compulsory Ebola Measures (FrontPage Africa Newspaper), Burn all Bodies (Insight Newspaper), Reduce Passenger (FrontPage Africa Newspaper), Gov’t Takes More Measures Against Ebola (Inquirer Newspaper), Schools Closed Indefinitely (In Profile Daily),
Gov’t Shuts Schools In Battle Against Ebola (National Chronicle Newspaper), Burn Ebola Bodies (New Dawn Newspaper), All Schools, Several Markets Ordered Close (Heritage Newspaper) and Pres. Sirleaf Wants Media Fight Ebola (Focus Newspaper)

Gov’t Commit US$5M To Combat Ebola – Launches National Action Plan In an effort to properly position the state in combating the Ebola Virus that has besiege the country and its neighbors, the government of Liberia has committee the amount of US$5M to the anti-Ebola campaign. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has also launched the National Action Plan (NAP) prepared and presented by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in partnership with the World Health
Originations. The President, who is also the chair of the National task Force, announced the decision during a major national address held at her Ministry of Foreign Affairs office in Monrovia, Daily
Observer reports.

Justice Ministry Issues Stringent Measures To Curtail Ebola The Minister of Justice has issued several stringent measures to help  curtail the spread of the deadly Ebola virus in the country. Ebola is
the world deadly that has no cure or vaccine. According to Justice Minister, Cllr. Christiana Tah, t6he joint security if the Liberian government, especially the Liberia National Police (LNP) would provide
maximum security for health workers across the country, Heritage reports.

Related Caption: Justice Ministry To Enforce Preventive Measures (New Dawn Newspaper)
Health Ministry Wants US$14M Despite the US$5 million provided by the Liberian Government for the
current Ebola fight, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare here says it desperately needs US$14 million to fight virus. Assistant Health Minister Tolbert Nyenswah, says the ministry has designed new
methods, which requires US$14 million to put forth a strong fight against the deadly virus. Speaking to The New Dawn in front of the Justice Ministry in Monrovia, Minister Nyenswah said, the funds will
be used to establish various centers that will trace suspected victims of the virus, which will help to curtail the uncontrollable spread of the Ebola Virus across the country. “Though, we did not receive the
US$1.5 million requested from government to fight the virus, but we have designed new programs, which are better to minimize the spread if not getting it off our back, and that will cost us US$14 million for the period it will be here for,” he said. According to him, the US$1.5 million was projected with the understanding that the virus had not spread in such a manner that it is today, but with counties being part infested terrain; the government needs more resources to combat the virus. He explained that two American medical practitioners, who were helping at the Eternal Love Winning African or ELWA Hospital have been infested with the Ebola virus, noting that the charity Samaritan’s Pulse, which has been helping with the fight, is considering to leaving the country, reports the New Dawn Newspaper.
Related Captions: In The Fight Against Ebola, Liberia’s Health Ministry Proposes US$20 Million (FrontPage Africa Newspaper), and US$20M for Ebola (New Democrat Newspaper)
EU Scales Up Funding In Response To Ebola outbreak In West Africa The European Commission is allocating an additional 2million to respond to the worst Ebola outbreak ever recorded. This brings the
Commission’s aid and Crisis Response. “I want to pay tribute to the health workers who strive around the clock to help the victims and prevent further r contagion, often at serious risk to their own
lives”. The level of contamination o the ground remains extremely worrying and we need to scale up our action before many major lives are lost,” said Kristalina Georgieva, EU Commissioner for
Informational Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, “I want to pay tribute the   health workers who strive around the clock to help the victims and prevent further contagion, often at serious
risk to their own lives., Inquirer report. Related Captions: EU Increases Funding To Fight Ebola

(The News Newspaper), EU Scales Up Funding for Ebola Fight (In Profile Daily),
and EU Allocates €2M To Fight Ebola (Focus Newspaper)

NEC Swaps Magistrates
According New Dawn Newspaper, the National Elections Commission (NEC) has announced the rotation of its 19 Elections Magistrates from their current areas of assignment to other Magisterial Areas  across the country to enable them supervise the October 14, 2014 Special
Senatorial Election. The NEC took the decision Tuesday in Monrovia. According to a release from the NEC, the rotation of Elections Magistrates is part of efforts by the Commission to ensure
transparency and build confidence in the upcoming Special Senatorial Election. The Elections Magistrates are required to conduct the Special Senatorial Election in the new areas in which they have been temporarily assigned. Elections Magistrates are among elections
officers appointed by the National Elections Commission in line with Section 2.22 of the New Elections Law of 1986. They perform duties that include Voter Registration, conducting elections and making determination in all elections offenses in which the penalty is not
more than $500.00. Accordingly, the Commission has decided to post the current Elections Magistrate in Grand Kru County, Stanislaus M. Wissehto Bomi while the Magistrate of Upper Lofa, Albert F. Smith,
goes to Gbapolu County. Others who have been posted to supervise the pecial Senatorial Election in new Magisterial Areas include: James K. Cordor, Elections Magistrate, Upper Montserrado County who will now supervise the Senatorial Election in Grand Bassa County while Lower
Bong County Elections Magistrate, Barsee L. Kpangbai, will supervise the electoral process in Grand Cape Mount County. Relation Captions: NEC Bows To CDC Pressure (Daily Observer
Newspaper), NEC To Rotate Magistrates (Inquirer Newspaper), NEC Rotates Magistrates (In Profile Daily), and NEC Rotates Magistrates

(New Democrat Newspaper)


Lucrative Deal For Liberia, Investment Commission Chair Says According to FrontPage Africa Newspaper, National Investment Commission (NIC) Chairman Mr. Michael S. Wotorson says his commission is in the process of finalizing the arrangement with West Africa
Exploration (WAE), a mining company in Guinea that wants to build and operate a railroad in Liberia to transport iron ore over the Liberian border through Yekepa in Nimba County and to Freeport of Monrovia or the Port of Buchanan, “The West Africa Exploration (WAE), has received
permission from the Guinean and the Liberian governments to operate the railroad and why this is important to Liberia, is that the companies that will be mining in Guinea, would need to export their
iron ore, and coming through Liberia, they will need to use that railway to use our port. And what that means for Liberia, is significant revenue, this is why it is in our interest to finalize the
agreement.” Speaking during a recent chat with journalists at the NIC Offices in Mamba Point, Monrovia, Chairman Wotorson said due to the long distance from the mining site near the Guinea Mountain to Conakry, where the port of Guinea is, and the cost associated, it
would take years to construct a railroad. He disclosed that the iron ore mine located near the guinea mountain is closer to Liberia as it would be less expensive to come through Liberia.

Related Caption: Guinea To Transport Ore Via Liberia (The News Newspaper)

Prayers To ‘Cleanse’ Liberia Begin
According to the News Newspaper, Churches under the banner “Liberia Fellowship of Full Gospel Ministers”, are scheduled to commence three days indoor Fast & Prayer for God’s intervention and mercy for the nation and cleanse the nation of the deadly Ebola virus. Bishops and
Pastors from various churches across the country will meet today, July 31, 2014, at the Dominion Christian Fellowship Center where they are expected to start a three day of Fast and Prayer summit for God to take Ebola out of Liberia.

Related Caption: National Fast and Prayer On Ebola Declared (National
Chronicle Newspaper)

Baker Tilly Liberia Produces Additional CPAs Liberia’s premier Accounting Firm Baker Tilly Liberia Limited remains true to its professional commitment of not only offering equally
enhancing national human resource capacity, by providing career growth opportunities for young Liberians in the accounting industry. Two staffers of Baker Tilly Liberia are now proud recipients of
professional accounting qualifications, having successfully completed the qualifying examinations of two international accountancy bodies.

Mr. L. Olandor Boyce I, an Assistant Manager at Bake Tilly Liberia became a U.S. Certified Public Accountand (CPA) in June 2014, while Mr. Samora P.Z. Wolokolie, a Senior Staff Auditor qualified as a
Chartered Accountant, after completing the examinations of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ghana in July 2014, pens the News Newspaper. PUL Lauds Government
The Vice President of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), Jallah Grayfield, has lauded President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for declaring the deadly Ebola virus a national emergency in Liberia. Mr. Grayfield
said many Liberians have been yearning for such official proclamation from the President, saying “these measures as stated by the President to institute procedures regarding public gatherings and screening of people at major entry points are commendable”. He made the statement
Tuesday in an exclusive interview with Liberia News Agency in Monrovia, reports the New Democrat Newspaper.

LIBRA Donates $50,000 To Combat Ebola According to the New Democrat Newspaper, the LIBRA Sanitation Corporation, a local hygiene and sanitation organization Wednesday
made cash contribution of LD$50,000 as its support toward the fight against the spread of Ebola in the country. LIBRA’s Chief Executive officer (CEO) George W. Howe, presenting the amount to Internal
Affairs Minister, yesterday said the money is intended to be used by the  National Ebola Task Force to combat the disease. Related Caption: Libra Sanitation Inc. $50,000 (National Chronicle Newspaper)

Governance Commission Release Legislative Report The Governance Commission (GC) has released its report for Legislative Monitoring for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia or LEMTAIL
project. The GC, with funding from Open Society Initiative for West Africa or OSIWA, provided information to the Liberian Public on Standing Committees and Plenary Proceedings of the Senate and House of Representatives here for transparency and accountability purposes,
Heritage reports.

Ganta Hospital Sets Up Ebola Treatment Facility, - Awaits For MOH Heals As the outbreak of the deadly Ebola Virus spreads across Liberia, the Ganta City Authorities, in collaboration of the United Methodist Hospital Administration,  have established a special task force to
respond to any Ebola case in Ganta and its environ.  City Major Dorr Cooper told the Daily Observer, “The awareness and tracing committee has indentified and quarantined some people in two critical spots since 28 July 2014, Daily Observer reports. Chiefs, Elders Pledge Support To Combat Ebola
The National Traditional Council of Chiefs of Liberia, headed by Chief Zanzan Kawah, including elder of the 16 tribes of Liberia, has pledged support to combat the deadly Ebola virus in the county. Speaking at the Internal Affairs Ministry yesterday, Chief Zanzan Kawah said the
chiefs and elders will join to combat the deadly Ebola virus including messages to inform the rural dwellers on measures to fight the virus, Daily Observer reports. Ellen Calls-Off Trip To US
In the wake of the devastation Ebola Virus in Liberia, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has cut off her trip to the United States for the pending US-Africa Leaders’ summit scheduled for Washington DC.
President Sirleaf was expected to attend the US-Africa Leaders’ Summit with other African heads of State and Governments in Washing DC, the United States, Inquirer reports.

 Govt. Bans The Sale Of  Bush Meat In Liberia In order to prevent the continuous spread of Ebola virus in the country, the Ministry of Justice has put forth several measures to curb the spread of the contiguous disease. Speaking during a press conference at the Justice Ministry in Sinkor Wednesday, Justice Minister Christiana Tarr said the police will from now on confiscate bush meat and ensure the reduction of overcrowding public transport; elevators are adhered to, INSIGHT writes. NTAL Scribe Against Overcrowding Of Commercial Vehicles
The Secretary General of the National Teachers Association of Liberia (NTAL) is recommending to the Transport Ministry to put in place reassures to prevent the overcrowding of commercial vehicles with
passengers during this period of the Ebola outbreak. Mr. Samuel Y. Johnson observed that this is necessary to prevent bodily contact which will lead to the rapid spread of the disease,

INSIGHT reveals. Guinea Concert Stampede ‘Kills 34’ At least 34 people have reportedly died in a stampede in Guinea, during a concert marking the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The president’s office declared a week of national mourning for what it called a “tragic drama” at the convert by the Guinean rap group Instinct Killers. Dozens of people were injured, said police sources quoted by AFP, INSIGHT newspaper ways.