Daily Media Summary, 07-16--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Government of Liberia’s release of activities marking the celebrations of the 167th Independence Day, the announcement of changes in government and the French envoy to Liberia, Joel Godeau’s call for Liberian security forces to take charge of the country’s security are among stories dominating our selected local dailies for today, Wednesday, July 16, 2014.    


GoL Releases July 26 Itineraries

The Government of Liberia has announced the itineraries for the upcoming 167th Independence Day celebration. A Ministry of Foreign Affairs release says, while traditional events preceding Independence Day, as well as the Formal Official Program, will continue, all other festivities have been called off. The Office of the Chief of Protocol, Republic of Liberia, thereby announces the observance of the 2014 Independence Anniversary will thus be, as follows: On Friday, July 18, and Sunday, July 20, respectively, Intercessory Prayers for the Nation will be held by Prelates, Priests, Deans, Evangelists, Imams, Elders and other members of the Sacerdotal Order, regardless of religious creed. On Thursday, July 24, at 4 p.m. in the C. Cecil Dennis, Jr. Auditorium, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the President of the Republic, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Grand Master of the Order of the Distinctions of Liberia, will confer honors upon distinguished personalities/citizens for their invaluable services to the Nation and to humanity. On Saturday, July 26, at 8 a.m., President Sirleaf, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia, will review the troops at the Barclay Training Center.  At 10 a.m., the Official Programme commemorating the 167th Independence Day will be held at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion on Ashmum Street, Monrovia, New Dawn reports.

Related Captions: Liberia Celebrates 167th Independence Day With Variation(Heritage),Liberia Celebrates Its 167th IndependenceDay (IN PROFILE DAILY), Liberia Celebrates its 167th Independence With A Variation(The Analyst)

New Changes In Liberian Gov't, EJS Long-Awaited Bomb Drops

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf on Tuesday night announced a number of changes or appointments in the Judiciary, Ministries of Finance and Development Planning, Transport, Labor, Foreign Affairs, Commerce and Industry, State for Presidential Affairs and the General Services Agency. The long-anticipated merger of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning is in full effect, with Amara Konneh maintaining his position as Minister while Angela Bush replaces Tornillah Varpillah as Minister of Transport. Neto Zarzar Lighe replaces Juah Lawson as Minister of Labor. Sebastian Muah, Former Deputy Minister of Budget is now the new Managing Director of LIBTELCO replacing Ben Wolo, while Dr. James F. Kollie, Jr., former Deputy Minister for Revenue is now Deputy Minister for Fiscal Affairs. Former President Pro Temp Isaac Nyenabo has been named as Ambassador-at-Large. Appointments were also made at the Liberia Airport Authority, where the recently-dismissed former Deputy Police Chief, Rose Stryker, becomes Acting Managing Director, replacing Ellen Corkrum, the Forestry Development Authority Board where Isaac Manneh replaces Thomas Jucontee Woewiyou as a member. At the Central Bank of Liberia, Ms. Elsie Dossen Badio replaces Ms. Mildred Reeves as a member of the board and at the National Housing Authority, Liberia Telecommunication Corporation (LIBTELCO), National Port Authority, Liberia Petroleum Refining Company, Liberia Maritime Authority, and the Grand Bassa Community College, FrontPage Africa reports.

Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Makes New Appointments in Government (Daily Observer), Pres. Sirleaf Makes Several Appointments in Govt. (The Analyst)

Boy, 26, Stabbed To Death

Residents of Carey Street woke up to shock and amazement when a 26 year old youth known as Mohammed or Alieu Fawaz was stabbed to death by his 24-year-old friend, Emmanuel Pailey,In Profile Daily writes.

Related Captions: Nightmare On Carey Street Man Stabbed to Death; Police Makes One Arrest(National Chronicle), On Carey Street, Monrovia: Man Stabbed to Death(Heritage)

Irish Aid WASH Project Gains Momentum

As part of the Liberia WASH construction-Irish Aid project in Grand Cape County, which is been implemented by the Community Development Services(CODES), a local NGO under the supervision of WaterAid in Liberia and Sierra Leone, several communities have grasped the importance of the issue and knowledge of Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS). Communities benefiting from the Liberia WASH Consortium-Irish Aid project in Tewor District include, specifically Community Led Total Sanitation program Dumagee, Dassalamu, Kpendikor, Gardiyaine and Gonelor, amongst others, In Profile Daily writes.

Related Caption: Irish Aid Empowers Residents of Grand Cape Mount County (INSIGHT)

French Envoy Urges Liberians To Own Nat’l Security

The French Ambassador to Liberia, Joel Godeau, has said in the wake of the drawdown of the military component of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), it was time to transfer domestic security to Liberian security forces. According to the Liberia News Agency (LINA), Ambassador Godeau made the call Monday evening at programs marking the celebration of the National Day of the Republic of France held at the Ambassador’s residence in the Monrovia suburb of Congo town, Heritage reports.

Related Captions: French Ambassador Cherishes RelationsSays France Remains Reliable Partner (In Profile Daily), French Envoy urges Liberians to Own Nat’l Security (INSIGHT)

I/Coast Blocks Refugees From Liberia

Ivory Coast has reportedly blocked 400 refugees who fled to Liberia from returning home because of fears they could spread the Ebola virus, a UN official has said. UN refugee agency official Mohamed Toure said the decision violated domestic and international law. The BBC quoted Mr. Toure as saying that Ivory Coast had acted "unacceptably" by turning away a convoy of refugees at the border with Liberia, The NEWS reveals.

Related Captions: Ivory Coast Blocks Refugees’ Return Amid Ebola Fears (New Dawn), Ivory Coast Stopped 400 Refugees Over Ebola Fear (New Democrat)

Citizens Donate $100K Medical Supplies To Quadou Gboni

Citizens of QuadouGboni District in the Diaspora have donated medical supplies valued at US$100,000 to their tribesmen in the district in Lofa County. The medical supplies, including an ambulance, drugs, pediatric blankets and walkers, among many other items, were donated on Monday, July 14 at the Lofa County administration building in Voinjama City, Lofa County. Making the presentation on behalf of the QuadouGboni citizens in the Diaspora, the Chairman of Quadou District citizens in Monrovia said the donation was the citizens’ way buttressing government’s efforts aimed at providing quality health care delivery to the people. According to the Liberia News Agency, Mr. Alhaji Varfee Konneh recalled that in April 2014, citizens of QuadouGboni in the Diaspora donated several assorted medical items to the district to be distributed to Barkedou and Samodou in QuadouGboni district in Lofa County, Heritage reports

Related Caption: Citizens Donate $100K Medical Supplies to Quadou Gboni (INSIGHT)



4,015 Aliens Employed - Bin Annual Report

A total of 4,015 aliens are in the labor force of Liberia, the 2013 annual report of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN) has indicated. Though the number may increase or decrease due to other prevailing socio-economic factors, but at the end of the exercise in 2013, the Bureau generated US$18,420 for the Government of Liberia from these aliens. The 2013 Annual Report revealed that during the period under review, 12,007 entities submitted reports to the Bureau. Of that figure, there are 12,000 business entities and seven non-governmental organizations. The report, copy of which is in the possession of the New Republic, indicates that of the total number of aliens employed, 2,800 are males and 1,219 are females.

MOA, Stakeholders End Validation Confab

The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and Stakeholders have ended a one day conference on validation for Draft Strategic Plan for the Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI). The Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Florence Chenoweth, said people are seeking information on why the Ministry is formulating strategic plan for CARI.  “We will not waste our time to talk much; rather we will get to work and build the Central Agricultural Research Institute, “Minister Chenoweth disclosed, the NEWS reports.

UL Extends Registration

The administration of the University of Liberia (UL) has extended the registration process of students for three days.  According to the President of the University of Liberia Student Union (ULSU), Anthony Williams, the additional days were granted following series of appeals and engagements with the UL administration. Mr. Williams said it was agreed that students who are yet to complete their registration process take advantage of the three days grace period to avoid further embarrassment, the NEWS

Youth Trained To Conduct Research

Search for Common Ground or Talking Drug Studio and its partner, Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) have concluded a week-long training for young people to conduct a research study on violence against children in the country. The training was implemented under the theme: “Engaging Children and Youth as Partners in Preventing Violence against Children”. Those trained will conduct approximately 670 listening and learning conversations with their peers between the ages of 10 and 27 years in Montserrado, Nimba, Lofa, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Bassa and Grand Gedeh counties, the NEWS writes.

Fire Renders Several Homeless

Fire has destroyed thirteen (13) apartments in Matadi, rendering over 50 persons homeless. Matadi is a community situated in Sinkor, Monrovia. Eyewitnesses attributed the cause of the fire to an electrical shock. Meanwhile, some of the fire victims have decried the incident, saying they sustained huge losses as a result of the fire incident, Heritage reports.