Daily Media Summary, 07-14-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



The Plenary of the House of Representatives’ endorsement of a recommendation to divert all funds for the 167th Independence Day Celebration to the fight the spread of the Ebola virus and the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission boss’ appeal to UNMIL and other missions in Liberia for moral support to the Commission are among stories dominating our selected local dailies for today, Monday, July 14, 2014.    



July 26 Funds to Be Used to Fight Ebola-As House Endorses Rep. Snowe’s Recommendation

The Plenary of the House of Representatives has unanimously endorsed that funds earmarked for the 167th Independence Day Celebration be directed to help fight the spread of the Ebola virus. According to the INSIGHT newspaper, the lawmakers made the decision Thursday, July 10th during its regular sitting following recommendation from Montserrado County District #6 Representative Edwin Snowe seeking the indulgence of his colleagues to transfer all funds set aside for the July 26 Independence Day Celebration to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to help stop the spread of the deadly Ebola virus.

Related Captions: House Wants July 26 Fund for Ebola(New Democrat), Use Independence Day Funds to Fight Ebola…House of Representatives(The News), House Want Independence Day Funds Used to Fight Ebola(Heritage)


LACC Boss Wants Moral Support From UNMIL, Others

The Executive Chairperson of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), Cllr. James N. Verdier, Jr. has appealed to UNMIL and other missions in Liberia to provide moral support to the Commission as a way of enhancing its work. Cllr. Verdier said while the LACC welcomes technical and logistical support from UNMIL and other missions in Liberia, the Commission would appreciate their moral support which will help boost its work and discourage perpetrators of corruption, the Analyst reports.


Related Captions: LACC Boss Wants Moral Support From UNMIL(The Inquirer’), LACC Craves Moral Support From UNMIL, Partners(In Profile Daily), LACC Craves Moral Support From UNMIL(INSIGHT)


MIA, Others Hold Technical W’Shop For Disaster Risk Reduction

The Ministry of Internal Affairs in collaboration with the Liberia Refugee Repatriation and (LRRRC) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has conducted a technical workshop to assist in the establishment of a National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. The head of ECOWAS Disaster Risk Reduction, Mohammed Ibrahim, told journalists at the workshop held in Monrovia, that the rationale for establishing and strengthening National Platform in West Africa is based on the need to substantiate progress in implementing the ECOWAS Policy for disaster risk reduction in line with the HFA and the African Regional Programme, Inquirer writes.

Related Captions: Two-Day Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction Ends in Monrovia(Heritage), ECOWAS Committed To Human Security, Social Development – Says ECOWAS’ Disaster Head (Daily Observer), ECOWAS Guideline on WA Disaster Risk Reduction (In Profile Daily)





ECOWAS Leaders Consider Adoption Of Single Currency


The 45th summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has ended in the Ghanaian Capital, Accra. Leaders of the 15-member sub-regional bloc are expected to take a decision on adopting a common currency, the Eco, by 2020 after two days of discussions, New Dawn reports.


UNFPA Recommits To Youth Development

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has recommitted to building the capacity of young people in Liberia and across the world. Speaking Friday, July 11, 2014 at celebration marking World Population Day in Monrovia, the Officer-In-Charge for UNFPA Liberia, Dr. Philderald Pratt said a sustainable future depends on a resilient population, saying, “On this note, we commit UNFPA’s full support to all young people’s aspirations,” New Dawn reports.


EU Extends $384.7 Maid To Liberia

The European Commission (EU) has announced an extension of its aid portfolio to Liberia in the tune of 279 million approximately US$384.07 million for the period of 2014 – 2020 under the 11th European Development Fund. Speaking on behalf of the European Commission in a recent donor meeting in Brussels, Belgium, the EU Commissioner for Development Andris Plebalgs announced that some $8.8billion is expected to support investments that generate growth and job creation for over 300 million citizens of West Africa, INSIGHT reports.


VP Condemns Students Becoming ‘Breadwinners’ – As Foundation For Women Founder Opens High-Tech School For Girls

Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai, Sr., has expressed resentment about the way and manner in which the youths that are supposed to be in schools are nowadays being used as ‘breadwinners’ for other family members. The Vice President’s comment was contained in a statement delivered on his behalf over the weekend on his behalf over the weekend by his Chief of Office Staff, Sam Stevequoah, at the official program of the F. SHAM of Faith Girls Academy ‘Open House’ in Paynesville, outside Monrovia, Daily Observer writes.


Health Workers Memorialize Dead Colleagues

Scores of Liberia Health Workers and their partners gathered at a local church in Monrovia to memorialize the death of eight health workers killed while performing the heroic duties of caring for Liberians affected by the deadly Ebola virus.  The Health Workers under the  of the National Health Workers Association of Liberia (NAHWAL) along with their developmental partners, two senators and scores of religious leaders gathered at the Restoration Baptist Ministries (RBM) in Congo Town wailing the loss of eights of their fallen colleagues including the Expatriate medical doctor, Samuel Muhumuza Mutooro from Uganda, FOCUS reports.


EcoBank Holds Chinese Forum Promises Improved Relationship

EcoBank has concluded a forum for heads of Chinese business institutions in Liberia with a promise to increase its partnership with every individual in the country irrespective of the languages. The forum was aimed at allowing the bank to share its products with Chinese businesses in the country and discuss how best the bank can strengthen its relations with Chinese business institution. During the forum, the representatives were given the opportunity to critique services being provided by EcoBank to its customer in Liberia as well as advancing suggestions and recommendation for improvement, the NEWS writes.


LAVO To Launch Fifth Report Thursday

The Liberia Armed Violence Observatory (LAVO), an organization involved in the collection, analysis and disseminating of armed violence data in Liberia will on Thursday, July 17, 2014 launch its fifth report covering the period July 2013 to July 2014. It is jointly organized by the Liberia Armed Violence Observatory (LAVO) and Action On Armed Violence (AOAV), a British based NGO with specific objective of informing policymakers and others in order for them to direct or redirect resources to programs for the reduction and prevention of armed violence, Inquirer reports.