Daily Media Summary, 07-09-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.





News oftheIndian Government’s donation of 300 pieces of thermometers along with six bilateral scholarships to the Government of Liberia, President Johnson Sirleaf’s official visit to the United States and the United Methodist University introduction of a digital learning center, are stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.





India Donates 300 Thermometers, 6 Graduate Scholarships To Liberia

The Daily Observer reports that: The Indian Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Dinesh Bhatia, has donated 300 pieces of thermometers along with six bilateral scholarships to the Government and people of Liberia. The scholarships are for deserving Liberian students to undergo post-graduate studies in India. The thermometers are to be distributed among needy institutions, including schools and health facilities, in order to prevent the spread of Ebola virus in the country.  Ambassador Bhatia, who is resident in La Côte d’Ivoire, made the donation Monday, July 6, when he paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister, Augustine Ngafuan, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Presenting several cartons of thermometers to the Minister, a release from the Foreign Ministry said the Indian Envoy highlighted his government’s investment plan for Liberia. According to him, the plan targets assistance in power supply, agriculture, health and the transport sectors. He also disclosed that India is to shortly dispatch a technical assessment team for the installation of modern laboratory equipment at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center in order to enhance post-Ebola health services at the nation’s largest referral hospital. Moreover, the Ambassador stressed his country’s direct investment in the area of optional power supply to make electricity affordable for low income Liberians, who will also have the option to seek loans from India. The Ambassador also indicated that investors from India would shortly import into the country technical equipment to boost the nation’s post-Ebola agriculture sector describing it as a new model. He added that Indian investors have been encouraged to come and invest in other sectors such as transport, health and oil. The Ambassador called on Liberia to watch out for people, who he said are purporting as Indian nationals seeking visas to perpetrate their clandestine missions, something he warned could cause embarrassment for both Liberia and India. The India envoy also urged Liberia to establish a diplomatic presence by reopening its Mission in New Delhi, India. In response, Foreign Minister Ngafuan lauded the Government and people of India for the donation, including their contributions to Liberia’s Ebola crisis and its post-Ebola recovery drive. “I am personally grateful to see you here. Ebola came and stopped our play-button of recovery. Ebola has gone and we have started re-playing our play-button of development,” he stated. Minister Ngafuan stressed that though Liberia was declared Ebola-transmission free by the World Health Organization (WHO) in May, with the new outbreak, the country is developing its health capacity to deal with future outbreaks. While acknowledging India’s intervention in Liberia, he stated that India is the first country to make donations following this third outbreak and it was among the first few countries to intervene initially in the Ebola crisis. He described India’s intervention as a catalyst for more support to the Ebola outbreak. Min. Ngafuan, who is the Dean of the Cabinet, also assured Ambassador Bhatia that the donated thermometers would go a long way in cementing the cordial ties of friendship between both nations and peoples. He noted that Liberia is considering reopening its mission in that country. The Minister also applauded the Indian Government for planning to intervene in the energy sector which is crucial and would help to address what he called “power deficit in Liberia”. At the same time, he thanked India for the bilateral scholarships and support provided the JFK Medical Center and stated that the Indian assistance would enhance health services at the nation’s highest referral hospital.


Related Captions: India Donates 300 Thermometers, 6 Gaduate Scholarships To Liberia(FrontPage Africa), India Offers Liberia Scholarships(INSIGHT), India Gives Several Thermometers, Scholarships To Liberia(FOCUS), India Donates 300 Thermometers, 6 Graduate Scholarships To Liberia(The News), India Donates Thermometers, Scholarships To Liberia(In Profile Daily)



Ellen Off To US, Ethiopia

The Executive Mansion says President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has departed Liberia for a week-long official visit to the United States and Ethiopia to return Wednesday, July 15.  The release says President Johnson Sirleaf heads a high-level Liberian delegation to the US for official visit at the invitation of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. In the US, she will join her colleagues from the worst Ebola-hit countries, including Guinean President, Dr. Alpha Condé and Sierra Leonean President, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, to attend an International Ebola Recovery Conference at the UN Headquarters in New York. The Conference will focus international attention on the need for targeted investments to support Ebola recovery priorities over a 24-month period, the Executive Mansion says. The Conference will also offer an opportunity to discuss detailed country-based and regional anti-Ebola strategies, and provide a platform to secure pledges of international support that can complement African Union-led efforts and help fill technical and resource gaps, the New Dawn newspaper reports.



Related Captions: President Sirleaf Departs The Country For The United States And Ethiopia; Returns Next Wednesday(FrontPage Africa), Pres. Sirleaf In New York For Int’l Ebola Confab(INSIGHT), Ellen Arrives In New York For Int’l Ebola Confab(Heritage), Pres. Sirleaf Departs Liberia For Ethiopia(West Africa INFO POST)



Enhancing Academic Performance - UMU Begins Digital Learning

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the United Methodist University (UMU) is expected to introduce a digital learning center under the Samuel Morris Scholars program. The program, which is a partnership between the UMU and Innovative Education Liberia (IEL), a United States-based organization, aims to bring critical computer technology-based learning to more than 700 schools over a five-year period, as well as provide university students with digital learning resources. The daily reports that the representatives of the IEL have presented 20 laptops with the inscription; “Samuel Morris Scholars Program”, to the administration of the school, as the initial step, in introducing technology-based learning experience for students and teachers of the school.


Related Captions: UMU Students Begin Digital Learning Program(The Inquirer), Digital Learning Center for UMU Students Insight(Heritage)





Agencies Consider Proposed ‘Cabinet Management System’

The Cabinet has mandated the Ministries of Post & Telecommunications, Finance, Youth & Sports, Education, Defense and State for Presidential Affairs to work closely with the Director General of the Cabinet, with a view of assessing and providing general direction for the implementation of the Cabinet Management System recently proposed during a Special Session of Cabinet. The New Dawnnewspaper quotes an Executive Mansion release as saying that the Liberia Telecommunications Company (LIBTELCO) will examine the necessary technical details in terms of the way forward. LIBTELCO will provide technical support for the implementation of the system and a formal report on the system’s implementation will be submitted at a subsequent Cabinet sitting. According to the daily, the Cabinet took the decision over the weekend when the full Cabinet met in its Special Session.


Related Caption:Cabinet Considers Feasibility Of Proposed Cabinet Management System-Mandates Review Of PPCC Act(INSIGHT)




Ministry Of Commerce, Partners Hold Talks On Diversification

The Ministry of Commerce of Liberia and its partners have embarked on a study aimed at building stronger links with trade organizations in the world. The study named Liberia Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) is to promote export diversification and inclusive growth, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.



Gov’t, Partners Construct Three High Fuel Oil Plants At LEC

According to the Heritage newspaper, the Government of Liberia (GOL) along with its partners are currently funding the construction of three high fuel oil plants and the Mt. Coffee Hydro Dam, which when completed will increase the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) generation capacity. Since the end of the civil crisis, the Liberia Electricity Corporation has been working to provide electricity to the country in spite of the many challenges it faces occasioned by the destruction of its facilities. According to an LEC press statement, the three high fuel oil plants when completed will generate a total output of 38 megawatts of electricity adding, “It will also provide electricity to the people of Liberia in a cost effective way”.



Gbarnga Streets To Be Paved Soon

Bong County Senator Henry Yallah says President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has endorsed a decision from the April 19, 2015 County Development Council Sitting to pave major streets in Gbarnga City. Making the disclosure to the Liberia News Agency (LINA) in Gbarnga Wednesday, Senator Yallah said Prsident Sirleaf endorsed the project at a meeting with the Bong County Legislative Caucus in Monrovia recently. The Bong County Legislative Caucus Chairman told LINA that President Sirleaf has also validated the US$1.8 million allocation for the re-commencement of construction works on the Bong County Technical College (BCTC), reports the Heritage newspaper.



30 Clinicians, Social Workers End Coordination Meeting

The New Dawnnewspaper pens that about 30 Mental Health clinicians and social workers from across Liberia have ended a two-day coordination meeting in Bong County. The meeting was jointly initiated by the Ministries of Health and Gender, Children and Social Protection with sponsorship from the World Health Organization (WHO). The Acting Director of the Mental Health Unit at the Ministry of Health, Ms. Angie Tarr-Nyankun, said the meeting was intended to holistically look at mental health and psychosocial issues especially, after the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) period. Madam Tarr-Nyankun said during the meeting, gaps and challenges facing the mental health sector were discussed and way forward decided. 



Australian Government Supports Farmers In Bong

According to the New Dawnnewspaper, the Australia High Commissioner to Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast has ended a one-day visit to the Farmer Support Center in Gbarnga, Bong County. The center is a local farming group geared at training farmers in various skills with support from the Australian government. Ambassador Joanna Adamson’s visit was intended to assess the project her government is sponsoring and also solicit opinions of stakeholders on other areas that need interventions. In her message to the management and staff of the Farmers Support Center (VOSIEDA), Ambassador Adamson lauded the group for utilizing funding being provided by the Government and People of Australia. The Australian envoy said with the level of work the group has done in the county, she is very optimistic that her country will continue to support Agriculture ventures in Liberia.



As July 26 Contribution, Winners Inc. Donates L$310K Worth of Items to GSA

Winners Incorporated, a major sports betting company, has donated 148 bags of rice and cash of L$150,000, amounting to a total value of L$310,000 to the General Services Agency (GSA) in Monrovia. Winners’ donation is to support activities marking the forthcoming July 26th Independence Day celebration. Making the donation yesterday on the GSA Compound along UN Drive, Marketing Manager Randall Kaybee, Sr., on behalf of the company’s CEO, Yacob Batshon, said the initiative is to identify with the government during the festive season. GSA Deputy Director General for Operations, Boakai Sirleaf, who received the donation, expressed gratitude to Winners, Inc. and promised to use the items to feed workers, who are giving a facelift  for this year’s Independence Day celebration, in the two counties, writes the Daily Observer.