Daily Media Summary, 06-30--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s review of the newspapers carry dominating stories of the UN Secretary-General’s hailing of President Sirleaf, the alarming increase of Ebola and related stories, the announcing of senatorial candidates’ nomination by NEC, the Foreign Ministry’s pronouncement that the Government is developing mechanisms to prevent the commission of War Crimes and crimes against humanity in Liberia and the CBL’s new initiatives of supporting the rubber sector. Other dominating stories include the Journalist Best’s assertion that Liberia is being overtaken by foreigners, the holding of the ruling party’s primaries, the arrival and departure of Liberian peacekeepers to and fro Mali, former presidential guard’s indictment, among others.


Ebola Death Toll Rises

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the death toll from the Ebola virus in Liberia continues to rise with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare confirming that the Ebola situation in the country is worsening. The paper says the Assistant Minister for Preventive Services at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tolbert Nyenswah, has announced that in less than one month the virus has increased from May 29, 2014 to June 25, 2014. The disease, which originated from a river in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976, recently entered Liberia from neighboring Guinea and Sierra Leone. Health authorities had announced probable and confirmed cases of 61 persons with 35 deaths confirmed - 21 in Lofa; 13 in Montserrado, and 1 in Margibi Counties.
Speaking at the Ministry of Information’s regular press briefing on Thursday, Minister Nyenswah disclosed one newly confirmed case from Margibi. He detailed that the outbreak originated from Lofa to Margibi and it has now reached Montserrado, cautioning that it could spread anywhere in Liberia.

Related Story: Liberia Buries Ebola Dead

A FrontPageAfrica special report on the spread of Ebola reports, under the caption Liberia Buries Ebola Dead, that on Saturday, June 27, 2014 four bodies of victims who died as a result of the deadly Ebola virus were buried but not without a hassle. According to the report, three of the bodies were near decay, as a burial team with one of the corpses was chased out of the Banjol community in lower Virginia in Montserrado County as they prepared to bury. At the ELWA Hospital Mortuary, another burial team displayed the face of a dead Ebola victim wrapped in a body bag to three members of their family. The family is put outside and men in white plastic suits covered from head to toe deals with the corpse laid out on a stretcher, spraying it with high concentration of chlorine before lifting it into a white ambulance owned by the Montserrado County Health team. The vehicles are then sprayed and sealed and as the men spray themselves and get ready to pull off the suits beginning with the gloves a nurse yells: “No, don’t do that, don’t take it off. You have to walk through our decontamination process. We have to make sure you are decontaminated and safe before you can take the suits off.” The three-man burial team listens and heeds the advice of the health practitioner and they emerge later with only their clothes on, leaving the protective gear behind and the car leaves with the corpse with the hope that the family has already secured burial ground.“We are finding it very difficult to bury these people who die from Ebola. The community people when they see us in these white suits, they think we are some ghosts; the other day they chased some of our other friends and they had to bring the other body, they took to bury back to JFK,” said a member of the burial team who spoke to FrontPageAfrica on condition of anonymity.
“We need to find a special place to bury these corpses, if not, the bodies will keep piling up on us. If we don’t bury them, they will begin to decompose and then that will be trouble for all of us.”


Liberia Working To Prevent War Crimes, Says Foreign Ministry Official


Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal Affairs, Cllr. Boakai Kanneh, has disclosed that government is developing mechanisms to prevent the commission of War Crimes and crimes against humanity in Liberia. He said in the absence of a war crimes court in Liberia, some actions have already been taken as evidenced by the declaration by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf that during her regime no part of the country will be used for cross-border military purposes. According to the Liberia News Agency, Cllr. Kanneh spoke Thursday at a one-day roundtable seminar on the prevention of war crimes in Liberia held at the U.S Embassy premises in Mamba point. He noted that the second preventive measure is military-related surveillance, saying that because of the density of the forests local farmers, traditional leaders and hunters are recruited to penetrate the forests and report any strange movements to government, theHeritage reports.


Candidates’ Nomination Begins July 2nd

The National Elections Commission (NEC) has released timetable for Candidate Nomination, which begins Wednesday, July 2, to Thursday, July 24, 2014. According to the Commission, formal launch of the Candidate Nomination Process commences today, June 30, and ends on Tuesday, July 1, 2014.
The launch provides aspirants for public offices, including political parties, coalitions, alliance and independent candidates, an opportunity to collect nomination applications at the Nomination Center located in the James M. Fromayan Conference Hall at the National Elections Commission on 9th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia. The NEC is requiring a non-refundable fee of US$750.00 or its equivalent in Liberian Dollars from each candidate entering the race for the senatorial election in October.  During the period, the Candidate Nomination Center will be open daily between 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM to allow candidates to submit their candidate nomination applications. A press release issued by the NEC says the nomination process will be centralized and all applicants wishing to be nominated for the 2014 Special Senatorial Election must comply with the NEC’s Candidate Nomination Procedures by appearing in person to submit application to the Nomination Center.
All registered political parties, coalitions, alliances and independent candidates that have headquarters in the County where they respectively seek election to the office of a Senator, as required by Article 79(c)(ii) of the 1986 Liberian Constitution, and are in good standing shall be entitled to contest the elections. The press release said in order to contest the Special Senatorial Election, political parties, coalitions, and/or alliances that have already registered with the NEC must nominate candidates for the election. In order to nominate a candidate or to be nominated, a political party, coalitions, or alliances to nominate a candidate must: meet the candidate eligibility criteria as provided for under Section three, and fulfill the application requirements as provided for under Sec. 6 herein;
In order for a person to be nominated as a candidate for the Senate, he or she must be a citizen of Liberia; have attained the age of thirty (30) years; be domiciled in the county to be represented not less than one (1) year prior to the time of the election; be a taxpayer and registered voter, reports The New Dawn.


UN Scribe Lauds Pres. Sirleaf

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has lauded President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for her able leadership in chairing the African Union High Level Committee (AU-HLP) on the Common Africa Position (CAP) on the Post 2015 Development Agenda. Mr. Ban said the Liberian leader’s experience in public leadership over the years has yielded another milestone for Africa by producing a Common Position on how the continent wants to see itself in Post 2015. According to Dispatch from Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, the UN Secretary General was addressing the Opening Session of the 23rd ordinary Session of the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government on Thursday, June 26, 2014. The draft CAP document which is expected to be presented to the AU Heads of State and Government on Friday, June 27, by President Sirleaf contains set goals and targets, as well as a means of implementation package, to be delivered to the UN General Assembly in September, the New Dawn daily writes.


AFL Beefs–Up Mali Development; As VP Boakai And Minister Samukai Shakes Hands With Departed AFL Troops While First Batch Returned

Now ten years after a brutal civil war, a conflict that consumed untold human lives, including those of foreign guard who come to help end the war, Liberia is submitting to the principles of reciprocity. Even while the strength of the “born again” Armed Forces of Liberia is barely a thousand troops, the nation is giving its widow’s might to the Republic of Mali, a country Balkanized by civil strife and war.  Just this weekend the Government dispatched yet another platoon to serve the United nations’ peacekeeping force, and the vice president of the country had got fond words to utter, reports The Analyst.


UP Holds Primary Elections

According to the Daily Observer, the ruling Unity Party (UP) conducted rallies across the country over the weekend, creating earth-shattering results for incumbents and political sympathizers. In Lofa County, incumbent Sumo Kupee’s hopes for party’s endorsement became history when the party instead selected his rival, former National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) boss, Francis Carbah, to stand on its ticket. Kupee could not convince district heads and even top executives of the party that he was the right man for the job, as majority of the delegates expressed their strong anger against Kupee at the polls.

Kupee had enjoyed a long relationship with UP executives, which earned him a position of Chairman of the Senate's Ways, Means and Finance Committee, a job responsible to oversee all financial matters including the National Budget, financial agreements between Liberia and other partners, as well as running the affairs of the senate's operational budget in consultation with other leadership members. He has served in this capacity since taking office in 2006 and as such had high hopes of the party's endorsement. When asked for response to his defeat, Kupee declined to comment on his next move, saying; "I will officially announce what is next shortly." Carbah, whom the party welcomed under its umbrella, has had a long standing relationship with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, who remain influential figures in both party and county politics, despite their lame duck status. In Bong County, UP downplayed previous political agreements with incumbent Senator Jewel Howard Taylor and announced that the party’s political weight rests on the shoulders of Dr. Henrique Tokpah, president of Cuttington University. Madam Taylor of the National Patriotic Party (NPP) had hoped that she could collaborate with the UP in order for the party to support her bid by fielding no candidate in the region, but the former first lady was disappointed. In Nimba and Montserrado counties, Dr. Peter Wheato and Aliue Sylla grabbed their share of the cake as the party’s endorsement fell steadfastly in their favor. Sylla defeated Madam Cecelia Cuffey Brown, a strong critic of CDC’s George Weah. Sylla joined the race along with Liberty Party's Benjamin Sanvee and CDC's George Weah, both of whom have received their parties’ endorsements, respectively. The National Elections Commission (NEC) announced that the Special Senatorial Election will be conducted early October, and political parties are keen on electing their candidates through primaries or party executives’ endorsement to stand in the polls.


Related Story: Ambassador Wesson Wins UP Primary For River-Gee Seat At The Senate

Liberia’s Progressive Ambassador Commany Wesseh has emerged winner of the primary of the governing Unity Party (UP) as the senatorial Candidate to contest the Senatorial Seat of the River-Gee County in the ensuing midterm senatorial election. Report emanating from the County says Ambassador Wesseh defeated River-Gee Superintendent Daniel Johnson, nine to five votes, putting him in the race against candidates of the opposition bloc, reports The Analyst.


CBL Pumps Over US$5M To Stabilize Rubber Production

Following drastic reduction in the production of rubber in the country, owing to the drop in the world rubber price, the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) last Friday pumped the amount of US$5million, and LD$129,750,000 as stimulus package for into a program for the resuscitation of the rubber industry. Speaking at Friday’s presentation ceremony, CBL Executive Governor, Dr. Mills Jones, said the initiative was government’s way of reaffirming its commitment to the revitalization of the sector. According to the Inquirer newspaper, he described the loan as a “stimulus package for struggling rubber farmers and the resuscitation of their production.” According to him, the loan will enhance the industry’s ability to intervene in the foreign exchange market, and to support stability of the exchange rate and boost the country’s economy. The Governor noted that the rubber sector is a major economic activity that should not be left alone without government’s intervention, considering that it is one of the larger employment sectors in the country. Dr. Jones disclosed that industry was going through difficulties, owing to the short fall in the price of rubber on the global market, something, he said, needs serious intervention. “The drastic reduction is very serious and needs urgent intervention to make the sector operational. If the sector remains unattended, it would lead a large number of people becoming jobless,” the CBL Executive Governor stated. “We need to support the sector, because it provides employment opportunities to a larger segment of the population of the country. If we don’t support the sector, large numbers of our citizens will be out of work,” Dr. Jones maintained.   The loan, according to him, will be managed by the Liberia Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI).



‘We Are Losing Liberia To Foreigners’, Cuttington Commencement Speaker K.Y. Best Warns

Liberians are losing their country to foreigners faster and more irrecoverably than ever before, Daily Observer publisher, Dr. Kenneth Y. Best, told Cuttington University graduates last Saturday.

He warned that the economy is continually being taken over completely by foreigners, who are leaving Liberians impoverished, powerless and vulnerable, existing at the mercy of aliens. If nothing is done by the government and people to reverse the current trends,” he warned, “the country’s prime property and most of its land will be leased to foreigners, and we will continue to find ourselves tenants in our own town, in search of places to live, farm and do business.” To put an end to this “dangerous” state of affairs, he said, “Liberians must awake and start working conscientiously, patriotically, smartly and hard to take their country back; otherwise, we will be sowing the seeds of more trouble.” Dr. Best gave these warnings over the weekend when he delivered the 53rdCommencement Convocation of the Cuttington University in Suakoko, near Gbarnga, Bong County.  He spoke on the theme: “Redeeming Liberia for Liberians”, the Daily Observer writes.


Drug Trafficking hampers Peace;Senator Taylor Explores Impact, Challenges

Bong County Senator and Former First Lady Jewel Howard Taylor has alarmed about the rising incidence of drug trafficking, and the abuse of illicit drugs in the country, turning the situation as inhibiting to peace and stability, writes The Analyst. The paper says it is clear that Liberia’s transitioning from conflict and its search for lasting peace  and stability is further hampered by this high rate of drug trafficking and usage, she said. “This calls for a robust information, education and sensitization program which teaches and discourages drug usage”.



Former Prez Sirleaf’s Convoy Chief Denies Drug Charge

The Daily Observer reports that the former Presidential Convoy Chief indicted of being in possession of 10 bags of marijuana weighing 315 kilograms and valued at  L$330,750,000 (US$3.7M), has denied the  drug-related charge.   Defendant Perry Dolo denied the allegation on Friday, June 27 when he and four co-defendants appeared before Criminal Court ‘C’ at the Temple of Justice for the first time to listen to the reading of their indictment. At Friday’s hearing when the indictment was read to them in open court, all of the defendants alleged that they were innocent of the crime levied against them by the Government of Liberia. Their denial shifted the burden of proof to the prosecution to produce evidences to the court and jury to establish that the defendants committed the act. Though the crime is still a bailable offense, the defendants were denied access to bail as provided for under the Liberia Law. Granting the defendants bail would have released them from further detention at the Monrovia Central Prison to await their trial. The House of Representatives recently concurred with the Senate to make narcotics-related offenses “non-bailable crimes under the laws of Liberia.” The bill, however, is yet to become law. Dolo and four other persons—Sekou Rogers, Augustine Saah, Cyrus Slewion and Mohammed Bah—were arrested on November 9, 2013,  at a joint security check point in Tieni, Grand Cape Mount County. The defendants were arrested with a high quantity of compressed cannabis drugs known as “marijuana” that was transported in a Police Nissan Patrol jeep marked “Police Escort GSA-LNP-10-41” a decommissioned presidential escort vehicle. It alleged that Dolo’s vehicle on two different occasions passed through the joint check point at high speed with siren on, giving the impression that the President Sirleaf’s convoy was travelling in that direction. The indictment further alleges that on the two occasions the police jeep passed through the joint security check point, not a single government official or vehicle followed Dolo’s escort jeep, according to the backpage of the Daily Observer.






UNMIL ‘Impressed With LNP Performance’; Donates Road Equipment Worth US$25,000

The Daily Observer writes that the United Nations Police (UNPOL) Commissioner Gregory Hinds has stated that despite logistical constraint facing the Liberia National Police (LNP), the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) was impressed with the performance of the LNP officers.

Commissioner Hinds spoke over the weekend when he presented a consignment of road safety equipment worth more than US$25,000 to the Liberia National Police (LNP). The donation is part of UNMIL’s drive to capacitate the police in the wake of its potential drawdown in the country.

The items which include 550 reflector cones, 300 reflector vests, 150 rechargeable flashlights and 110 traffic sign posts were presented by the United Nations Police (UNPOL) Commissioner Gregory Hinds over the weekend at a formal ceremony held at the headquarters of the LNP with senior UNPOL and LNP staff in attendance. Presenting the equipment, UNPOL Commissioner Hinds said the presentation is part of a pilot project to assist the police in providing safety to the Liberian people especially road users. He urged LNP authority to manage the equipment properly by putting into place measures that will lead to benefiting the larger public.

He said the Mission was impressed with the performance of the LNP in the mist of logistical constraint and admonished the police authority to remain steadfast in the provision of services to the people of Liberia.


Konneh Highlights Progress In Educational Sector

The Minister of Finance Amara Konneh, said Liberia is making progress in the educational sector by that improvement is slow and expenditure in the sector is poorly prioritized. Serving as Special Guest of the Booker Washington Institute’s 85th Founder’s Day Anniversary on Saturday, June 28, Minister Konneh said the 2010 National School Census puts the nation’s literacy rate for ages 15 and 24 at 79% increasing from 74% in 2007, but overall literacy is only 57%. He said net enrolment ratio (NER) in schools has also climbed from 33% in 2007 to 44% in 2011 while the primary completion rate showed an improvement from 69% in 2007 to 83% in 2009, the New Dawn writes.

Many Receive Taekwondo Awards

A back page story of the Focus newspaper reads that the Liberia Taekwondo Association (LTA) in collaboration with the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) on Saturday, June 28, 2014 bestowed an international and other honor to key actors and institutions who have accordingly contributed immensely to the growth and development of the sport in Liberia. The honors were given at a program marking the 40th anniversary awards of the LTA in collaboration with the WTF held at the Monrovia YMCA Gymnasium.

Fire Service Official Issues Warning

Liberians and Foreign nationals have been warned not to create unnecessary fire outbreak in Monrovia and other parts of Liberia. The caution was given by the Liberia National Fire Service (LNFS) Deputy Director for Operations, Alex K. Dickson when he was given national recognition by the Liberia Youth Initiative (LYI). According to him, ignoring safety rules has the ability to cause lives and properties to be damaged. He argued that adherence to safety rules creates livelihood and reduce unnecessary fire outbreak in Liberia. The LNFS Deputy boss mentioned that maximum awareness has been created to reduce fire outbreak, but the media publicity and door to door campaign has been ignored by some members of the public, the Focus newspaper reports.

US –Based Liberians outline ‘July 26’ plans

The Liberian Association of Pennsylvania (LAP), in collaboration with the Liberian Embassy in Washington DC and the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas, will celebrate Liberia’s 167thn Pennsylvania. A LAP Release issued Thursday said the celebration in Philadelphia will be the first of its kind, as the Liberian Embassy will officially move the traditional independence celebration from Washington, DC to Pennsylvania to celebrate with all Liberians and well wishers from all over the United States in the spirit of unity and community building, the Insight newspaper writes.