Daily Media Summary, 05-28--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



The danger of the absence of food security in Liberia, the launching of School Code of Conduct in Liberia, the denial of Over 2,000 immigrants Into Liberia, and the departure of Lone Star to Lesotho today are among selected stories for today’s media summary.


Liberia Faces Serious Danger – FAO Says In The Absence Of Food Security

The Country Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to Liberia, Jean-Alexandre Scaglia says Liberians may sink into serious problems if their country fails to invest in its agricultural sector. Mr. Seaglia told a news conference yesterday in Monrovia that there would be  serious food shortage, cases of mal-nutrition and hunger in the next ten (10) years in Liberia if Liberians and their international partners as well as members of the donor community do not make huge investment in the agricultural sector of country, The Analyst Newspaper asserts.

Related Captions: “Food Insecurity Unacceptable”…FAO Wants Reduction on Importation (The News), Agriculture Key To Development-FAO Representative (The Inquirer)


School Code Of Conduct To Be Launched

The Long-awaited Code of Conduct (COC) for school administrators has finally been approved and is expected to be launched in July 2014. Work on the COC started sometime last year and has been undergoing review and revision by the Education NGOs forum and other partners in consultation with the Ministry of Education. Currently, the draft of the COC has been completed and approved by the Minister of Education for use within the Liberian School System. The Technical Working Committee (TWT) met on Wednesday May 21, 2014 to review progress revisit budget and develop a road map on the pending activities that will lead to its launching, report the InProfile Daily.


Over 2,000 Persons Denied Entry Into Liberia

According to the INSIGHT Newspaper, Liberia’s Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN) said it is carrying out a vigorous exercise to effectively and meticulously execute its statutory function; but announced at least 2,000 or more persons were denied entry into Liberia. BIN’s Press and Public Affairs Director, Col. Abraham Ahmed Dolley said based on the international law governing the movement of people and goods couple with section 3.1 of the ECOWAS Protocol on ‘Free Movement’ and in keeping with BIN constitutional requirement to admit or deny individual into the Republic of Liberia, from January to December 2013, the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization witnessed the admission of 49, 183 visiting immigrants of various nationalities into the country. He said 64,030 immigrants departed the country at various ports of entry and exit, while 2,624 aliens including ECOWAS citizens, non-ECOWAS and non-African were denied admission due to the lack of requisite travelling documents such as Entry Visa consistent with the Alien and Nationality Laws of Liberia. Col. Dolley revealed that during the same period, the BIN experienced the arrival of 128,746 Liberians at various ports of entry while 79,349 departed Liberia at various exit points that are sanctioned and authorized by the Liberian Government through the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization. The BIN’s Public Affairs boss said Section 6.5 of the Alien and Nationality Laws of Liberia allows business entities, organizations or institutions that have immigrants within their employ to submit a Semi-Annual Report to the Bureau of Immigration, beginning January every year. He said the intent of this provision of the law is to enable the Bureau effectively monitor the immigrants employed within the country, whether self-employed.


Related Caption: Over 2000 Aliens Denied Entry (New Democrat)

 AlFalit, MOE Strike Deal – Sign MOU To enhance Adult Literacy Education

As improving postwar education system in Liberia remains a major concern amongst Liberians and foreign partners, the Ministry of Education is working with other entities to provide safety nets, with the aim of responding to the human resource development needs of the country. Upbeat Alfalit representatives led by Board Chairman, Kanneth Y. Best and Executive Director, Rev. Emmanuel Giddings signed for their entity while Education Minister Edmonia Tarpeh affixed her signature for the MOE, the New Republic reports.

Related Caption: MOE, Alfalit Sign MOU To Enhance Adult Literacy (The Inquirer)


 Lone Star Departs For Lesotho Today

The National Team of Liberia, the Lone Star will depart the country this morning for the second leg of the 2015 Africa Cup Nations preliminary qualifier against Lesotho on Sunday. Liberia narrowly defeated Lesotho 1-nil a fortnight ago at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) and will have to avoid defeat to progress to the next round of qualifier. If Liberia qualified, she will meet either Kenya or Comoros Island in the next round, writes the INSIGHT Newspaper.

 LCC Rejects Gay Marriage, Dual Citizenship

The Liberia Council of Churches has reiterated its opposition to same-sex marriage in Liberia, noting that the practice is against the cultural norms and the faith of the nation. The LCC also says no to dual citizenship, based on majority views of ordinary Liberians and the economic consequences of such venture. The Church Council further rejects every form of violence and vandalism as a means of resolving issues of national concern here. In a statement issued in Monrovia, the President of the Liberia Council of Churches, Rev. Dr. Kortu Brown, says as the draft national budget goes before the 53rd Legislature, compromise, and not unnecessary confrontation and blame-shifting, should be the hallmark of the process with the ultimate interest of the people as a guiding rod,   New Dawn Newspaper reports.


 UL Trains Examiners – To Supervise Placement Exams For Over 14,000 Candidates

The authority of the University of Liberia has conducted a training exercise to prepare the proctors and examiners. The exercise is an effort to ensure uniformity in administering the 2014 entrance and placement exams. Speaking in an interview, Dr. Walter T. Wiles, Acting Vice President for Institutional Development/Provost, said the exercise is intended to prepare proctors and examiners to know their role and responsibilities in administrating the exams. Dr. Wiles recalled supervision of the 2013 entrance and placement examinations when all of the 25,000 candidates that sat the exams failed, The New Republic reports.




Minister Jackson Hails US Gov't.

Acting Information Minister Isaac Jackson has lauded the United States Government for the level of reconciliation process across the world. He said the US Government has played a key role in reconciling the world and made people to understand the importance of unity.
Speaking at the Ministry of Information regular press conference last Thursday, Acting Minister Jackson stated that reconciling people from different races is important to sustain peace. He lauded the US Embassy for unveiling statues on memorializing day. According to the Acting Minister, people can reconcile without thinking about memorializing. The acting MICAT boss called on Liberians throughout the country to celebrate with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for the honor recently received. According to him, the President has brought pride to Liberia and the world at-large. “Our President needs to be celebrated by all well-meaning Liberians,” Acting Minister Jackson emphasized,   FOCUS Newspaper reports.


Postal Affairs Boss Proposes Science & Tech. Ministry

Post & Telecommunications Minister, Dr. Fredrick Norkeh, has proposed the establishment of a Ministry of research, Science and Technology exclusively dedicated for the development of those areas. Making a presentation of the Common Africa Position (CAP) on the Post 2015 Development Agenda the National Outreach on the CAP under the theme, “The Role of the Private Sector, Civil Society Organizations, Academia and the Media in the post 2015 Agenda”, Dr. Norkeh said policies on Science and Technology need to be harmonized across the continents, The Inquirer Newspaper reports.


 BIN Denies 2,624 Aliens

The Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN) said it has denied 2624 aliens both ECOWAS and non ECOWAS citizens from entering Liberia for the period January to December 2013. BIN Director of Press and Public Affairs Col. Abraham Dolley said in a release that the Bureau has witnessed the admission of 49,183 visiting aliens of various nationalities into the country and 64,030 aliens departed the country at various ports of entry and exit, The New Republic reports.


World Bank Reaffirms Support To Electricity Connection

The Country Director of the World Bank to Liberia, Madam Inguna Dobraja, has reaffirmed the Bank’s committed to supporting the government’s effort to increasing access to electricity throughout Liberia. According to Madam Dobraja, the Bank strongly believes that striking a balance for electricity service provision between rural and urban areas is critical to ensuring inclusiveness for a more requests are intended to provide an  insight about the status of work at the Executive Mansion since the contract started nine years ago, Heritage reports.


 GC Consolidates 2014 Engagement

As the October 2014 senatorial elections gradually gains momentum, the Governance Commission (GC) has stepped up consultations with senatorial aspirants renewing calls for the passage of the Local Governance Bill. The Local Governance Bill has been languishing in committee room at the Capitol Building, but the GC in discharge of its statutory responsibility deemed it expedient to press for passage. The GC has called for a follow-up on the recent Dialogue held with senatorial aspirants with the aim of solidifying its engagement with politicians on ways of pushing the decentralization agenda, which is the issue likely to dominate debate leading to the October 2014 senatorial elections. The forthcoming decentralization implementation dialogue will be held at the James Fromayan Conference Center at the National Elections Commission (NEC) on 9th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia on May 28, 2014. The dialogue is expected to bring together all present senators and senatorial aspirants to make their input on the bill, which GC said is imperative to the development of the country. The event, according to the GC, will be facilitated by Mr. Blamo Nelson, former Minister of Internal Affairs and former Senator of Grand Kru County.  The GC said presentations will be done by Dr. Amos C. Sawyer, Chairman and Mr. Mohamed Boakai of the Institute for Effective Governance, FOCUS reports.


AfDB Remains A Dynamic Institution

The Vice President, Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has emphasized that the African Development Bank (AfDB) has, over the years, been able to remain a dynamic institution in a fast changing continent. Speaking at the 50th anniversary of the African Development Bank, the proxy for the Veep, the Minister of Labor, Cllr. Juan Lawson, said some of the decisions needed for the dynamic flexibility were not without their share of controversy, National Chronicle reports.


 Several Machines For Diabetes Testing Arrive Here

Several machines for diabetes testing have arrived in the country. The machines were brought in the country by Pervocate Diabetes Equipment Center. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, May 27, 2014 at the head offices of Pervocate Diabetes Equipment Center in Monrovia, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company, Mr. James Momoh, said the equipment would be used to test the diabetes level of people as well as be sold to the public at a very reasonable cost, Heritage reports.


Gov’t Committed To Fight Small Arms

The Deputy National Security Advisor to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has said that Government is committed to the fight against the proliferation of small arms in the country. Advisor Roland Duo said the spread of small arms has serious impact on the lives of ordinary Liberians, who come under attack by armed robbers and other unscrupulous elements in the society, FOCUS reports.



17 Benefit From S/Africa Training – Call For Improved Electricity

Seventeen entrepreneurs working in the business sector recently benefited from a twelve-day intensive entrepreneurship training program in Johannesburg, South Africa. The training, organized and hosted by the Branson Center of Entrepreneurship, a Virgin United initiative, focuses on key partners, key activities, value propositions, customer relationship, customer segment, key resources, pricing, cost structure, and business canvas modeling and revenue. According Florence Mawolo,  owner, D-Best Purified Water, one of the participants, said the purpose of the training was to additionally educate business people around the World on innovating their business model, tracking cash in and cash out, the importance of cash flow, and the importance of keeping record, National Chronicle writes.  


No Ebola Incident In 42 Days – Says Health Ministry

The Assistant Minister of Preventive Services at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Mr. Tolbert Nyensua, has said that Liberia has gone 42 days without any suspected cases of Ebola. Speaking to the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS) yesterday, Minister Nyensuah said they are putting all preventive measures into place to make sure that all counties bordering Sierra Leone be aware of the Ebla breakout in that country, The Inquirer says.