Daily Media Summary, 05-16-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



The Turkish Government’s decision to provide more scholarships and assistance to Liberia, the Liberian Senate’s rejection of a proposed US$ 73 million for development projects, the Liberian women solidarity in the “Bring Back Our Girls” campaign and the Press Union of Liberia’s annual award night for desiring journalists are among stories highlighted in our Friday, May 16, 2014 summary of the selected dailies.



Turkey Promises Scholarships & Assistance To Liberian Disabled

The FrontPage Africa daily quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that the Vice President of the Agency in the Turkish Prime Ministry responsible for foreign scholarships, Mr. Mehmet Kose has promised to expand the number of Liberians to benefit from Turkish Government undergraduate, graduate and post graduate scholarships.  According to a Foreign Ministry release, the expanded scholarship will focus on critical areas of need such as of medicine, engineering and geology, among others. The disclosure was made during a meeting held between Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan and the Vice President of the Turkish Prime Ministry on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 as part of ongoing official visit the Liberian Foreign Minister is paying in Turkey. In line Turkey’s commitment to expand its scholarship program, Mr. Kose informed Minister Ngafuan that a technical team from Turkey will be visiting Liberia at the end of May to interview applicants for scholarships to study in Turkish Universities. The Turkish Agency has been running a scholarship program for Liberia for couple of years with 14 Liberians already studying at various universities in Turkey. The Turkish Government has also agreed to a request by Foreign Minister Ngafuan to begin student and faculty exchange programs between Liberian and Turkish universities. The modalities leading to the start of the exchange programs will be sorted out shortly, a dispatch from Turkey says.  

Meanwhile, the President of the Turkish International Cooperation Agency (TIKA) Dr. Serdar Cam has committed to expanding assistance to Liberia, especially in the area of vocational technical education. TIKA is the developmental arm of the Turkish government. Accordingly, a team from TIKA will soon visit Liberia to assess the scope and scale of Turkish assistance in vocational and technical education. TIKA President in a meeting with Foreign Minister Ngafuan held on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 announced that TIKA will shortly be making  several donations to Liberia including 135 wheelchairs for disabled Liberians through the Group of 77 as well as computers and IT equipment for the Government of Liberia for the use of government ministries and agencies.


Related Caption: Turkey promises scholarships, assistance to Liberian students &The Disabled(INSIGHT),Turkey promises more scholarships & assistance to Liberian students &The Disabled(Heritage), Turkey promises scholarships & assistance to Liberian students &The Disabled(The Analyst). In a related development under the captionLiberia, Turkey Sign Framework Agreements, the New Dawn newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that the Governments of Liberia and Turkey have signed three Framework Agreements to enhance the bilateral relations between both countries. The agreements are in the areas of Education, Reciprocal Waiver of Visas for Holders of Diplomatic Passports and an agreement for collaboration between the Diplomatic Institutes of Liberia and Turkey. Liberia’s Foreign Minister  H.E. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan signed on behalf of the Government of Liberia while the Foreign Minister of Turkey H.E. Ahmet Davutoglu signed on behalf of the Government of Turkey at a ceremony held on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at the Turkish Foreign Ministry in the Turkish capital, Ankara. Speaking at a Joint Press Conference after the signing of the agreements, Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu described the signing of the agreements as a historic day for  both countries. “This is actually the first official ministerial visit on the basis of our bilateral relations; that is why the Government and People of Turkey attach all the importance to it”, the Turkish Foreign Minister remarked. He said the three agreements are the first in the series of cooperation’s agreements his country intends to sign with Liberia. “Today with my dear friend, the Foreign Minister of Liberia, we have discussed the future and steps to be taken in terms of the relations between our both countries and we agreed on an action plan as well as taken action steps to make the three agreements a reality”, the Turkish Foreign Minister said. Minister Davutoglu who  accepted Minister Ngafuan’s invitation to visit Liberia at his earliest convenience also paid homage to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for her leadership role in African and World issues and hoped that the strengthening of bilateral relations will  eventually pave the way for a visit of  President Sirleaf,  a Nobel Laureate, to Turkey.  For his part, Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan extended profound thanks and appreciation to his counterpart and the Government of Turkey for the warm invitation extended him and also conveyed greetings from Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia, and the people of Liberia to His Excellency Mr. Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey and the people of Turkey. Foreign Minister Ngafuan said the signing of the agreements have given the bilateral relations between the two countries renewed vigor. “The Agreement on Mutual Visa Waiver is aimed at alleviating the hurdles our officials go through when traveling to our respective countries. The second is in the field of Education, which will lead to the exchange of students, teachers, and experts as well as  the exchange of information and scientific publications in the field of both formal and informal education,  amongst others. The Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Diplomatic Academies of both Countries will enhance the capacity building efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Liberia by linking its Foreign Service Institute (FSI) with the Diplomatic Institute of Turkey. This cooperation between our two diplomatic training institutes is significant because it will lead to many aspiring Liberian diplomats benefitting from advanced training at the Turkish Diplomatic Institute.”, the Liberian Foreign Minister narrated. Minister Ngafuan revealed the Government of Liberia is in advanced stages of completing its review of proposed agreements on Trade, Security, and Air Services. “I am confident that these Agreements will be concluded and signed very soon, paving the way for the consolidation of our partnerships, especially the beginning of flights of Turkish Airlines, your world-renowned carrier reputed for its excellent service, to Liberia”. Minister Ngafuan welcomed continued Turkish private sector investment in Liberia while also commending Turkey for its support to the city corporations of Monrovia and Paynesville. Speaking about the recent shooting at a café in Istanbul which left many wounded including four Liberians who were shot in the legs, Minister Ngafuan said the incident aroused sensitivities in Liberia and had the potential of diverting attention from the many good developments that have characterized the bilateral relations between Turkey and Liberia. “But thanks to Minister Davutoglu and the Turkish Government for their intervention which has ensured that the victims receive adequate medical attention and security. We anticipate that the perpetrator(s) of this heinous crime will be arrested and brought to justice,” the Minister concluded.  Minister is in Turkey in honor of an invitation extended him in March of this year by his Turkish counterpart, H.E. Ahmet Davutoglu .  Also on the Foreign Minister’s delegation to Turkey are Monrovia City Mayor, Clara Doe Mvogo, and Paynesville City Mayor Cyvette Gibson.

Senate Rejects Speaker Tyler's US$ 73 M Proposal

 Members of the Liberian Senate have rejected US$ 73 million proposal by Speaker J. Alex Tyler for development projects in the 73 electoral districts of Liberia. The Upper House took the decision following heated discussion on the relevance of allotting huge funds in the 2014/2015 National Budget for each constituency on Thursday, May 15, 2014. Several Senators rejected the proposal from the House of Representatives, which was suggested by Speaker Tyler during the third sitting of the 53rd National Legislature. Following heated discussion and doubts about how County Development Funds (CDFs) are been used to improve livelihoods and development, which remains contentious, Senator Isaac Nyenebo made the motion for the Senate to reject Speaker Tyler’s suggestion due to budget shortfall and economic crisis confronting the nation. The Grand Gedeh County lawmaker argued that the allotment of US$ 73 million to Electoral Districts is grossly untimely. According to him, the House of Representatives did not provide details on how the proposed funds will be used to avoid conflict of interest, reports the FOCUS newspaper.

Related Captions: Senate Rejects US$73M House of Reps District Dev. Bill(Daily Observer),US$73m Rejected (The New Dawn),Senate Rejects House’s US$73M Proposal –Says it Contravenes PFM Law (National Chronicle), Senate Rejects US$73M H Bill- Stabs Direct District Development Legislation(The Analyst),Senate Rejects Bill(New Democrat)

Liberian Women Stage Solidarity Protest

A group of women under the banner, Liberian Women NGO Secretariat (WONGOSOL) Thursday staged a peaceful protest at the Nigerian Embassy in Sinkor in solidarity with hundreds of Nigerian school girls abducted by the Nigerian Islamist militants Boko Haram more than two weeks ago. The Liberian women said the abduction of the over 200 school girls on April 14th and May 6th, 2014 from Chibok, in the State of Borno, Nigeria, by the Islamist Boko Haram militants is inhuman and exposes the girls to sexual violence. The peaceful protest, according to the women, is a mass women action and also in support of global ‘BRING BACK OUR GIRLS’ campaign intended to show solidarity with the women of Nigeria. The action by Liberian women Thursday comes in the wake of mounting concerns by women worldwide, including President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, United States First Lady Michelle Obama over the kidnapping of the 276 schoolgirls. The women were seen before the Embassy singing songs and carrying placards with messages requesting the release of the schoolgirls. The Islamist group is demanding the release of their members who are in detention in exchange of the schoolgirls, according to the News newspaper.

Related Caption: Liberian Women Demand Release of Nigerian School Girls(FrontPage Africa), Group Decries Acts Against Women(The Inquirer), Solidarity!-As “Release Our Girls” Campaign Intensifies(In Profile Daily)


PUL Gives 2014 Awards

The Press Union of Liberia (PUL), with sponsorship of ArcelorMittal, will hold its Annual Awards Night and Dinner in Monrovia on Friday, May 16. Hundreds of journalists, media development partners, top government officials including Senate Pro-Tempore Gbehzhongar Findley and other invited guests will grace the ceremonies at the City Hall of Monrovia beginning at 6 P.M. The annual event, which is an extension to World Press Freedom Day celebration, recognizes and honors outstanding journalists and media institutions that perform above average over a one-year period. During Friday’s event, journalists will receive fabulous prizes including international travels for development, economic and women rights reporting, among several others, as well as a grand prize for the journalist of the year. Other recognition will include radio and televisions stations, and newspaper of the year, writes the FOCUS newspaper.

Related Caption: PUL Hosts 2014 Awards Night Today(The News), PUL Hosts 2014 Awards Night And Dinner Friday(FrontPage Africa), PUL Hosts 2014 Awards Night And Dinner Today(Heritage), PUL Awards Night, Dinner Today(In Profile Daily), PUL Hosts 2014 Awards Night And Dinner Friday(Daily Observer)


UNDP Donates To Law Reform Commission

According to the INSIGHT newspaper, the United Nations Development Program, UNDP has donated two new four wheel jeeps to the Law Reform Commission Peace Building Office. The ceremony took place in Monrovia Thursday and was graced by several dignitaries, staff of the LRC and the Press Union of Liberia. UNDP Country Director Dr. Kamil Kamaluddeen who presented the keys of the two vehicles to LRC Chairman Cllr. Dr. Jallah A. Barbu pledged his institution's support to the peace building imitative of the country, noting that UNDP will always support developmental initiatives in the country.  

Related Captions: Peace Building Fund Donates to LRC(The Inquirer), Strengthening Law Reform(FrontPage Africa), Peace Building Fund Donates to Law Reform Commission(The News), UNDP Donates to Law Reform Commission(Heritage), Peace Building Fund Donates to Law Reform Commission(In Profile Daily), Peace Building Fund Donates to Law Reform Commission(The Analyst)


President Sirleaf Consoles Turkey, Congratulates South African President

Quoting a Foreign Ministry release, the Heritage newspaper reports that as the Republic of Turkey holds three days of national mourning for the loss of lives and damage that followed a mine explosion in the Turkish city of Soma, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the Government and People of that Nation.  In her message to her Turkish counterpart, President Abdullah Gul, the Liberian Leader, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, remarked that the tragic incident is one of the worst in the history of Turkey and has come at the time when both Liberia and Turkey are forging excellent ties, especially with the visit of the Liberian Foreign Minister who is currently on an official visit in Turkey.  We are extremely encouraged by the outstanding resilience of the Government and people of Turkey in their swift response to assist the victims and to save the lives of others still entrapped in the coal mine”, President Sirleaf stated. A Foreign Ministry release says President Sirleaf furthered that the Government and People of Liberia are in prayers with the Government and People of Turkey and their sincere thoughts go out to all those affected by this tragedy; especially to the bereaved families.  “It is my utmost wish that Allah All Mighty will grant you the strength and fortitude to confront this difficult time of national mourning”, President Sirleaf stated.  The death toll in Turkey has risen to 282 as of Thursday, May 15, 2014 while up to 150 miners remain missing in a disaster since the Soma mine disaster. In another development, President Sirleaf has, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, sent a message of congratulations to President Jacob Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa, on his victory in the recent presidential elections which he won for the second time. In her message to President Zuma, the Liberian Leader noted that his victory shows the confidence which the People of South Africa have in his ability to lead that great country.  “The South African elections mark a great victory for democracy in your country and Africa. The Government of Liberia looks forward to the continual strengthening of bilateral relations subsisting between our two countries in the spirit of African solidarity”, President Sirleaf says.  The Liberian President then prays that the Almighty God will endow President Zuma with abundant wisdom and strength in leading his People as both Liberia and South Africa work together in furtherance of deeper cooperation at the United Nations and other international forums aimed at promoting international peace and security among all nations.


Border Security On Child Trafficking

Barley two-month following the launched of the five-year National Action Plan on the fight against "Trafficking-In-Person" (TIP) by President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, the Defence for Children International-Liberia (DCI-Liberia) and its Sierra Leonean counterpart, Defence for Children-Sierra Leone, have taken a joint step towards complementing the efforts of the Government of Liberia (GoL) on how to curb this international organized crime in these two post war West African States.   According to the FOCUS newspaper, Security personnel who benefited from the two-day training which was held under the theme: “Liberia and Sierra Leone Unite Against Trafficking, Stealing, Sales and Smuggling of Children Across Borders”, included members of the Liberia National Police (LNP), the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN), the Ministry of National Security (MNS), and the National Security Agency (NSA). 

LFA To Spend US $3.5 m on National Teams

The Liberia Football Association (LFA) has disclosed that it is expected to spend at least US$ 3.5 Million to underwrite the cost of National Teams participation in all competitions organized by both Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) and Confederation of African Football (CAF). Five of Liberia’s National Teams (the Senior National Squad (Lone Star), U-17, U-20, U-23 male and U-23 female are expected to participate in various competitions that will be organized by the both LFA and international bodies. The President of LFA, Musa H. Bility at a news conference following his re-election as LFA President said the amount has being taken from the treasury of members of the Association, assert the FOCUS newspaper.

WASSCE Candidates In 12-Day 'Boot camp'

The FOCUS newspaper writes that as part of effort to ensure that Liberian students earn higher marks in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) formerly WAEC, a youth organization operating in Montserrado County District #13 has being conducting an intensive 12-day free tutorial for 12th graders in the district that are preparing to sit the annual public test this year in the country.  A total of 5,034 students will sit the general test which is scheduled for May 19, 2014 for 12th graders across Liberia; the 9th grade division of WASSCE already administered. According to the Chairman of the District #13 Student Union (DINTSU) Gabriel Smith, a total of 150 students drawn from eight senior high schools in New Georgia Estate and other part of District#13 are currently benefiting from the free tutorials covering all nine subjects administered at WASSCE public exams including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Literature.One of the DINTSU free tutorial beneficiaries student Moses A. Sah Jr. said the tutorial which started May 5, 2014 and expected to end by the 16 of May 2014 has helped him improved his knowledge in solving Physics and Mathematics problems. He urged other students to take advantage of the DINSU free tutorial, adding that it is beneficial for public test and easy placement into the larger society.

‘Declare Your Assets’-Ellen Tells Legislature, Judiciary


According to the Daily Observer, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has expressed hope that members of both the National Legislature and the Judiciary will follow the footsteps of the Executive and declare their assets in order to promote transparency and accountability. President Sirleaf made the statement in the presence of Senate Pro-Tempore Gbehzohngar Findley and other influential lawmakers of the 53rd National Legislature when she signed the Code of Conduct Bill into law recently. The Code of Conduct is one of the controversial bills signed to date; it languished in the corridors of the Legislature for over five years. It was just signed into law by President Sirleaf on Monday, May 12, 2014 at her Foreign Ministry office. The new law, which demands “integrity checks”, requires government employees’ activities to be conducted lawfully and in consonance with the highest ethical standards, with each employee acting with personal integrity as well as coming forward and raising concerns should they become aware of any questionable activity involving officials.


MOA Conducts Nat’l Workshop – On Climate & Smart Agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture has concluded a one day validation workshop for National Communication on climate and smart agriculture in Monrovia. Deputy Minister Charles McClain who spoke at the opening of program said Liberia completed its National Adaptation program of Action (NAPA) in 2008, which according to him, paved the way for the country to become part of the global effort of reducing the risk of climate change, The Analyst reports.


ARIK Air Expands Liberia Service

ARIK Air, West and Central Africa’s largest airline, has increased the frequency of its flights to Liberia in response to popular demand. The airline said that the Lagos-Monrovia service has now been increased from three to four weekly flights using a Boeing 737-700 aircraft. According to the airline, the new flight will operate on Saturday, adding to the existing Monday, Wednesday and Friday services. Speaking on the development, Arik Air Managing Director, Chris Ndulue, said the increase on the frequencies of the airline was necessitated by passengers’ demand, New Dawn writes.

Peace Amb. Transforms Massacre Site

The Peace Ambassador of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), Beverly Goll Yekeson, has broken ground for the construction of a gigantic palava hut in a remote town, Kpolokpalah, about 40 kilometers outside Gbarnga, Bong County. Goll Yekeson, also known as one of the nation’s peace ambassadors, after undertaking a marathon from Butuo, Nimba County, to Monrovia during the peak of the civil war to draw the attention of the international community and raise funds to help the needy, said the project will cost around US$12,000. Ambassador Goll Yekeson, who is running a foundation, the Liberia Crisis Center for Abused Women and Children, consoled the villagers by saying that every Liberian directly or indirectly was victimized by the war. She said she also lost her father-in-law, professor, Steven Yekeson, who up to now has no grave, National Chronicle reports.