Daily Media Summary, 05-07--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs   

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s dominant stories include, update on the just ended Tokyo International Conference On African Development, the upcoming Senatorial Election, and the need for more midwives in achieving Millennium Development Goal 5.

An SOS called from an ailing child, the demand for free education for Albinos, and the launch of the million text book drive by Vice President Joseph N. Boakai are among other selected stories for today’s news summary.

Dominant Stories

Ngafuan raps on MDGs

Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan says there have been some achievements by the global community since the launch of the MDGs in 2000. Serving on Sunday, May 4, 2014 as one of two co-panelists at a session of the First Ministerial Meeting of the 5th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V) which convened on May 4th and 5th, 2014 in Yaounde, Cameroon, the Liberian Foreign Minister noted that in spite of all its failings and challenges, the nearly fourteen years of the implementation of the MDG’s have witnessed the fastest reduction in poverty in human history, with half a billion fewer people living below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day. He said the MDG’s have so far led to the reduction in child death by more than 30% with more than three million children’s lives being saved and the reduction in the number of deaths from malaria by a quarter.   
“Therefore, benefiting from a backdrop of wider global, continental, and national consultations, and hopefully stronger and good-faith commitments, the post 2015 Global Development Agenda could indeed occasion the eradication of poverty on our planet and a more transformed, equitable, and developed world by the year 2030”, he envisaged. 2015 is the timeline set for the achievement of the targets of the MDG’s- eight established international goals agreed by all countries and leading international institutions of the world, which includes a commitment to halve extreme poverty rates, halt the spread of HIV/AIDS and provide universal primary education, among others. Recalling Liberia’s frontline role in the crafting of two very important documents relating to the post-2015 Development Agenda, Minister Ngafuan reminded his audience of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s pivotal roles: first, as one of three co-chairs of a twenty seven (27) member High Level Panel (HLP) appointed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to craft a new Global Development Framework and the Liberian Leader’s selection by Heads of State of Africa to chair a ten-member High Level Committee (HLC) of African Heads of State and Government to craft a Common African Position (CAP) to be reflected in the Global Development Agenda Post-2015. Minister Ngafuan cautioned the global community not to allow the focus on drafting a new global development agenda to lead to the abandonment of efforts on achieving the MDGs targets. He stressed that “with more heavy lifting, with more partners delivering on commitments, and a retooling of strategies, it is still possible for many countries to achieve certain MDG targets by 2015.  But even if targets are not achieved by 2015, we can take solace in the fact that our last-ditch efforts translated into lifting more people from poverty or probably saving more mothers from the claws of death while trying to give birth.” Minister Ngafuan also noted that African countries should be proud of themselves for agreeing on a Common African Position (CAP) on the Post-2015 Development Agenda instead of each of the fifty-four (54) member states of the African Union (AU) pursuing their individual agendas in a wide global field: “That we are the only continent or block that has carved a Common Position, distinguishes us positively; and makes it easy for our partners to assist us in the lead up to the conclusion of the Global Development Agenda in 2015.” Foreign Minister Ngafuan used the occasion to, on behalf of the Liberian Government and people, extend profuse thanks to the Japanese Government and people through its Foreign Minister, Mr. Fumio Kishida, who also served as a co-panelist with the Liberian Foreign Minister, for the level of support Japan has given to Africa’s development over the past two decades through the TICAD process, New Dawn Newspaper reports.

Related Caption: Ngafuan Reflects On Post-2015 Global Development Agenda (National Chronicle), Ngafuan Reflects On Post 2015 Global Development Agenda At MDGs Summit (IN PROFILE DAILY), Foreign Min. Ngafuan Reflects On Post-2015 Global Development Agenda (INSIGHT)


Ex-Presidential Candidate Enters Nimba Senatorial Race

According to the Heritage Newspaper, Former Education Minister, Dr. Joseph Korto, has announced his intention to contest the senatorial election scheduled for October this year. Dr. Kortu said, he entered the race in fulfillment of his dream and in response to many appeals from citizens of Nimba County living in and outside the country calling on him to represent them in the Legislature. Dr. Kortu, who was a Presidential Candidate in the 2005 General and Presidential Elections, on the ticket of the Liberia Equal Rights Party (LERP), cautioned Nimbaians against voting for candidates on the basis of financial influence. Dr. Kortu made the announcement late Sunday at the Paynesville Community School during a program marking the official launch of the Liberia Chapter of the Nimba Youth Caucus.

Related Caption: Ex-Education Minister Enters Nimba Senatorial Race (Focus Newspaper)


Gov’t Rejects Newspaper Story – Says Article Attempts To Distort Facts

The Government of Liberia has taken exception to a story published in a local daily in which the paper culled an article from a website indicating that there are plans to turn Liberia into an Islamic state. The government said the publication as established is filled with lies, deception and falsehood. The government condemns unreservedly all attempts to divide the Liberian people and put them on the part of ethnic cleansing and religious bigotry. The Government of Liberia said it has seen and analyzed the article entitled, “The Africa,” written by one Anahita Ghorbani and published on the online website-Elombah.com, The NEWS reports.

Related Caption: Executive Mansion Rejects Newspaper Story (Inquirer Newspaper), and Liberia Is Not Been Islamized (The Analyst Newspaper)


Other Stories

SOS Call For An Ailing Child

A 14-year-old girl, who is suffering from heart complicated problem and swollen legs, has called on the Government of Liberia (GOL) and international organizations as well as philanthropic individuals to come to her aid. Little Mercy Chea, who is also an orphan, told our reporter that she finds it very difficult to breathe. Aside from difficult breathing, she lamented that she also finds it difficult to sleep at night, adding that her stomach pains her throughout the day. According to a medical report released by Dr. Mohammed Hosny at the Mawah Clinic, a copy which is in the possession of this paper, Little Mercy was diagnosed of valvular heart disease, mitral valve disease mitral regurgitation (rheumatic) and cardidomegally, reports the Heritage Newspaper.


Top Health Official: More To Achieve MDG 5

The Heritage Newspaper reports that, the President of the Fellow of West Africa College of Nursing (FWACN), Professor Angela Sawyer says, despite making great strides in the reduction of maternal mortality, Liberia still has a long way in the achievement of Goal #5 of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). For his part, the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Dr. Philderald Pratt, said the maternal deaths have declined by nearly half globally in the last two decades. He added that with 600 days left until the MDGs deadline, concerted efforts are required to scale up-cost-effective interventions in educating midwives and other professionals with midwifery skills. He furthered that such investments are critical to accelerating efforts to improve maternal health and achieve MDG 5, one of the goals lagging farthest behind.

Related Captions: “World Needs Midwives More Than Ever” – UNFPA, ICM Statement(News Newspaper)


“End Harassment, Censorship Of Journalists” – EU Urges Governments

The European Union (EU) reiterates that free, diverse and independent media constitutes one of the cornerstones of a democratic society by facilitating the free flow of information and ideas as well as ensuring transparency and accountability. The EU calls upon all governments to abide by international norms and put an end to the intimidation, harassment, censorship and arbitrary detention of journalists, the NEWS Newspaper reports.

Related Caption: EU Raps On Free, Diverse & Independent Media (Inquirer Newspaper)



US$101M Awaits Liberia, But…

The National AIDS Commission has informed the Liberian Government that the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has projected US$101,882,196.00 to combat the three health problems for the period of three years, but with a condition. This was disclosed Tuesday in Monrovia by the Chairman of the National AIDS Commission Dr. Ivan F. Camanor at the Commissions bi-annual meeting chaired by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. In a power point presentation, Dr. Camanor said in this figure, US$45,238,243.00 is projected for HIV &AIDS response; 9,590,724.00 for  Tuberculosis and US$47,053,229.00, amounting to US$101.882,196.00 to be used from 2014-2016 December, the NEWS reports.

Related Caption: Donor Tests Govt’s Commitment…As US$101 Million Awaits Liberia (National Chronicle)


Albinos Want Free Education

Albinos in Liberia have launched a passionate plead to the Government to grant them access to free education for the development of their capacities. Speaking at the official celebration of World Albino Day in Buchanan on Monday, the Executive Director of the Liberia Albino Society lamented over the situation people with Albinism are facing. Madam Patricia Logan said hundreds of Albinos are not in school, because they have been neglected and abandoned by family and society but quickly pointed out that they also have a future and their welfare must be given attention by stakeholders, INSIGHT reports.


VP Boakai Launches One Million Text Book Drive For Liberian Students

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai in collaboration with Future Farmers Association (FFA), Chapter in Chicago, Illinois, has launched a campaign to collect package, and ship educational books in the areas of Reading Mathematics Science, in educating the citizens of the country FFA is a US based Organization that is dedicated to enhancing the lives of students implementing agriculture education in an agriculture classroom setting a personal application setting known as Supervised Agricultural Experience, and leadership growth setting through the FFA Organization, pens the Heritage Newspaper.


Pres. Sirleaf frames at EM renovation

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has expressed strong dissatisfaction over the pace and quality of on-going renovation works at the Executive Mansion. The Liberian leader made the assertion when she paid a visit to the grounds of the Executive Mansion earlyTuesday morning, May 6. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf was taken on a guided tour of the Executive Mansion, the official seat of the Liberian Presidency, to access progress on current renovation work by a female Liberian architect, Mrs. Karen Richards Barnes. The Ministry of State will hold follow-up meetings with the relevant entities to rectify the situation and ensure the highest quality and safety. The Executive Mansion was gutted by fire during Liberia’s 159th Independence Anniversary celebration on July 26, 2006. Following the outbreak, the Government of Liberia announced its closure pending renovation work. President Sirleaf relocated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where she has been performing official State functions. The eight-storey building was constructed in 1964 during the tenure of Liberia’s 18th President, William V. S. Tubman, Sr, New Dawn Newspaper reports.



Liberian Becomes WAICA’s President

The President of the Association of Insurers in Liberia and also the General Manager of the Mutual Benefits Assurance Company-Liberia, Momoh Fortune, has been voted President of the West Africa Insurance Companies Association (WAICA). Fortune was elected Tuesday at the Monrovia City Hall at the end of a two-day 36th Annual WAICA. Speaking at the introductory program, the outgoing President of the association, Hassan Gbessay Kanu, urged the newly elected President to work in the interest of the association to achieve its goals, IN PROFILE DAILY writes.



 Resurfacing Israel-Liberia Ties Offer Innovative Potentials

When Sharon Barli, Israel’s new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Liberia, presented her Letters of Credence to President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf last week, it officially marked the resurrection of a long-standing relationship with deep historical undertones.
Liberia was one of 33 countries which cast the "Yes" vote for Israel to become a state on 14 May 1948. Israel opened a consulate in Monrovia in 1954, and upgraded it to an embassy in 1958. Liberia then broke relations on Nov. 2, 1973, becoming one of the last of 26 black African countries to sever ties in the face of Arab pressure after the 1973 Middle East war. At the time, the Israelis say the Arab tactics combined promises of aid and cheap oil with threats of assassination and oil embargoes. The New York Times reported: “Only three countries - Malawi, Swaziland and Lesotho - have maintained formal relations with Israel in the last decade. The last state visit by black African heads of state took place in September 1971, when the leaders of Nigeria, Zaire, Cameroon and Senegal came together to Israel.” Ambassador Barli, speaking to FrontPageAfrica in an exclusive interview recently said the cementing of ties between the two countries is only natural because there’s such strong historical ties between Liberia and Israel. “Many people start to count the collaboration and friendship between the two countries to 1948 in the vote in the UN in which Liberia cast the vote that actually brought about the state of Israel but not too many people know the affinity between the Jewish people and Liberia started far back. It actually starts back to the Africa Movement, I would say with the success of the back to Africa movement that brought about the establishment of Liberia. It is in the backdrop of those ties that Ambassador Barli recalled how Zionism, the movement of the return of the Jewish people, historical homeland to Israel was deeply affected and inspired by Back to Africa Movement. “I would say that the affinity started in the mid 19th century already.” 
In accepting Barli’s letters last week, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf recounted that the relations between the two countries have transcended ordinary friendship since 1948. “Our bonds have been strong with visits of  both President Tubman and the then Prime Minister of Israel during the Tubman era coupled with the construction of the Executive Mansion, humanitarian assistance, support to Liberia at the level of the United Nations and Israeli investment in Liberia,” she stated. She also recalled her own visit to the State of Israel in 2007 with positive outcomes and exchanges. In 1954 both countries formalized diplomatic relations which led to the historic visit of Israel’s founding mother and then Foreign Minister, Honorable Golda Meir, to Liberia, during which she was crowned as a Queen Mother by the Gola tribe. President Sirleaf expressed deepest appreciation for the strong support of Israel to Liberia and hoped Ambassador Barli will ensure the strengthening and consolidation of ties during her tenure. “I stand ready to work with you to raise and resolve all outstanding bilateral issues” the Liberian leader said. Ambassador Barli said the relations between Liberia and Israel have widened and deepened and are now in a process of dynamic development, extending to many sectors of both societies. She said Israel was ready to provide technical assistance to Liberia in sectors such as agriculture, education, health, security and is also committed to human development and capacity building intervention in Liberia. The easiest thing is to come here and make big promises and disappear; and behind big promises are big disappointments and I have no intentions of making big promises. I know exactly the capacity of my country, we have very limited resources, but we’re also very creative and innovative and very entrepreneurial and I think if we harness this creativity and find ways in which we can share the knowledge –with the technical assistance, with the limited resources that we have maybe through the international cooperation agency through training - Sharon Barli, Israel’s new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Liberia. Ambassador Barli who is based in Accra, with an assignment that covers just two countries, Liberia and Ghana, has committed herself to making regular and constant visits to Liberia as Israel’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the West African Republic, FrontPageAfrica reports.



Agric Rep. Plans Increased Farming

The new Coordinator of the Ministry of Agriculture in Grand Cape Mount County, Edward Greaves, says promotion of farming activities in the county will be the hallmark of his administration. He said though farmers will not produce sufficient crops in the absence of farming implements from the government all efforts will be exerted to meet the challenges stifling high yields for farmers. Greaves was speaking at the weekend during a meeting he held with agriculture representatives of Tewor, Garwula, Porkpa, Gola Kenneh, and Commonwealth Districts in the country, New Democrat reports.


Labor Congress Appeals For Int’l Travels

The Liberia Labor Congress has appealed to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to be included on her foreign travels as a way of affording its members the opportunity to engage investors and trade union organizations in foreign countries. The LLC has also appealed to President Sirleaf to help finance its presentation at the 103rd International Labor Congress scheduled to be held in Geneva, Switzerland from May 26 to June 12, 2014. The LLC made these appeals last Thursday, May 1, 2014 when its delegation headed by the President General, Alfred Thomas, met with President Sirleaf at her Foreign Affairs office in Monrovia, according to an Executive Mansion release, IN PROFILE DAILY reports.