Daily Media Summary, 03-10-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs   

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of the debate on women’s representation in the legislature, Associate Justice Jamesetta Wolokollie’s call for women to rise up and stop doubting their abilities to work alongside their male counterparts and the 134 recruit graduates of the Armed Forces of Liberia are among other stories dominating our selected local news dailies for today, Monday, March 10, 2014. 

Dominant stories

Leaders Debate Women’s Exclusive Seats Quest

At the observance of the 2014 International Women Day held at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) on March 8, Minister Ngafuan said that it was a shame that out of 15 counties in Liberia, the country could not produce 15 female lawmakers in the Legislature. “For us in Liberia, it will be a shame that we have 15 counties, but if we check in our Legislature we have less than 15 women representing; so what this means is that some counties don’t even have a woman legislator,” Minister Ngafuan observed. To have the scenario reversed, he proffered to the head of Liberia’s Constitutional Review Committee Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott, that there are provisions in the Constitution of Liberia, which set aside certain seats exclusively for women. He finally suggested a constitutional referendum in regard to securing exclusive seats for women, so that at least each county here should have one seat that should be contested for by women alone. President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf on the other hand advanced other strategies that she believe could support women if they must win electoral seats. Opposed to her 2006 “Papa will come home” promise to the Liberian people, the Liberian leader and some of her female cabinet members are charging working men here for not fairly utilizing their income for their families; instead, they are found allegedly taking minute     portion of their salaries home for their families to manage after they have depleted much of their earnings on social activities. In the ongoing Voter Roll Update or VRU exercise, President Sirleaf mandated Gender Minister Madam Julia Duncan-Cassell to get buses and organize the transportation of women to their various localities to register or update their status in preparation for this year’s special senatorial election and the 2017 General and Presidential elections. The President believes that registering more women will put female candidates in the position of securing more votes, thus, instructing Minister Cassell that if they come from Grand Bassa or wherever, they should be transported there to register. “To achieve this, you need to have more women registered… it’s voluntary,” she said, adding that the women should not abandon the VRU exercise when they shall have been transported to go after their personal business. She believes that empowering more women to compete with their male counterpart in politics and job will help them lead a better family live. Earlier, Gender Minister Cassell urged women to take advantage of the VRU to be prepared for the pending election, the New Dawn Newspaper reports.

Related Caption:Political Prospects for Women(New Democrat), New Constitution Should Include Provision for Women(FrontPageAfrica newspaper), Pres. Sirleaf Wants Women To Exercise Voting Right (Daily Observer)

Liberian Women Risk Dim Future

 Associate Justice Jamesetta Wolokollie says Liberian women’s progress and the country’s future will remain bleak as long as they sit and doubt their abilities to work alongside their male counterparts. “As long as we remain sitting, doubting our abilities to work alongside our male counterparts, and relying on men to provide … for our full participation, our progress and the future for our nation shall remain dim; and we shall go every year to the UN making some lousy reports of women development which is not seen or translated into our society,” she said. Delivering the keynote address at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium or ATS in commemoration of the 2014 International Women Day on Saturday, 8 March Justice Wolokollie proffered that only if women will take half of all the time they stay in Church, praying to God to send their husbands, to improve their lives and instead, get involved in some meaningful training that could better their lives, transformation would come to Liberia. While arguing that women’s representation in the government is still far below expectation, she however acknowledged that in Liberia today, legalized injustices against women generally have… disappeared. She said laws or former policies that excluded women from entering any occupation or profession of their choice, owning properties or engaging in any business ventures are now practically non-existence. But to achieve gender equality, the Associate Justice suggested that Liberian women see that the call for equality must be a personal fight since it involves one’s wellbeing and that of the family. She wondered over the chances of a woman participating in social, political and other well meaning activities, when she allows herself to get pregnant year after year; and what would be her chances of excelling at the work place among others, if she were allowed three months on maternity leave. Justice Wolokollie said despite the efforts and strides being made in Liberia on women development, some women relegate themselves to the status of subordination simply for quest of acceptance by boyfriends, husbands, among others. However, she concluded: “We must admit that the United Nations’ conferences and the yearly commemorations of women’s fight against gender equality have made some gains, the New Dawn newspaper says.


Related captions: “Women Under-represented in Gov’t”-Justice Wolokollie Observes(The News), Justice Wolokollie Calls For Mentoring of Young Females(Daily                                                     Observer),


Pres. Sirleaf meets with Bassa citizens

Under the auspices of the President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate, citizens of Jogbah Clan in District #4, Grand Bassa County have met with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at her Foreign Ministry’s office in Monrovia. The meeting held last week (March 5) brought together a cross section of citizens from more than six towns opposing the expansion of the Equatorial Palm Oil (EPO) Company. Internal Affairs Minister Morris Dukuly and Grand Bassa County Superintendent Etweda A. Cooper were also in attendance at the jam-packed Cabinet Hall at the Foreign Ministry. According to a press statement issued in Monrovia over the weekend, presenting their plight to President Sirleaf, the citizens reiterated their stern opposition to the expansion of EPO, noting that “the company should stay within its operational area.” A spokesperson for the citizens Cheo Johnson recalled that since the ratification of the EPO concession in 2012, they have been constantly intimidated with eviction. Mr. Johnson told the President that in the face of eviction threats, Government abandoned them and joined the company to deploy police officers and security guards to mal-handle them. According to him, the parcel of land they currently occupy is all they are left with after large portion of the land was awarded to the Liberia Agriculture Company (LAC) and the Equatorial Palm Oil. Also speaking, a women’s representative Madam Dehyeatee Kardor told the President that they depend on the last remaining forestland for hunting, medication and farming. Representing the youth community in the District, Solomon Gbargee was full of praise for the President for encouraging freedom of speech and gender equity since she took over. However Gbargee said, the situation in Electoral District #4 needs the urgent intervention of the President because his people are living in fear as a result of the constant threat of eviction. He said the land in question is their ancestral land and they are prepared to preserve their historic and cultural installations. Responding, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf clarified that Government will not condone any act of lawlessness against its citizens. President Sirleaf said the concession awarded to EPO was part of efforts to foster the development goals of government through job creation. She recalled that in 2006, her government was caught between a complete broken system and high expectations by citizens. “So it was incumbent upon this government to go after concessions to have the people working to buttress the government development programs” the President intimated. On land crisis across the country, President Sirleaf said government has taken a huge step in making the Land Commission functional and very soon there would be a comprehensive land reform law submitted to the Legislature for approval. “But while we are working on that document, we all need to sit around the table to resolve land disputes wherever they exist. This government will not infringe on the right of any citizen” she added. According to the President, the resurvey of the land occupied by EPO was authorized by government to present a clearer picture on the land situation in the area thus leading to a solution of the problem. “All we wanted to do was to first understand the land issue but unfortunately, we heard that citizens were resisting the process. Violence is not a way to go about it; we support dialogue with communities to settle those kinds of problems” lamented the President. President Sirleaf said, “Now that the survey has been conducted, the next step is to look at the result and sit around the table like we are now and discuss the way forward. She also reminded the citizens that the LAC concession area has excess land that will be returned to the people of District #4. Meanwhile, President Johnson-Sirleaf has promised the people of District # 4 that all plans for further expansion of the EPO will be halted immediately until an understanding can be reached through dialogue amongst the citizens, government and the company, the New Dawn newspaper reveals.

Related caption:"Liberia Will Not Condone Acts Of Lawlessness Against Citizens" (FrontPageAfrica newspaper)

Amara Swings Sword At Finance

 TheNew Dawn newspaper asserts that Finance Minister Amara M. Konneh, has reshuffled some key staffers of the Finance Ministry, affecting the Department of Revenue. Also affected are the Departments of Budget and Expenditure and Debt Management. The major shake-up is the first of its kind since Minister Konneh took office in January, 2012. They were executed in consultation with his principal deputies, especially those heading the affected departments. According to the state-owned Liberia News Agency or LINA, Minister Konneh announced the changes Saturday at the Finance Ministry during a senior staff meeting. He lauded staff of the Ministry for their dedication and commitment to duty over the years, but said staff rotation was a normal managerial practice, used conventionally by good managers to ensure that staff acquire marketable skills at all levels. Minister Konneh said the changes were not directed at any particular person or group, noting further that it is a bad managerial practice to tie employees down to one job for too long. “People need to be given an opportunity to learn new skills on the job instead of being tied down to one job,” he told the staff. Under the changes, Mr. Dixon Seboe, who has been acting Commissioner of Customs since 2012, is now Advisor to the Minister, while the new Acting Commissioner of Customs is Mr. Saa Saamoi, who served as Assistant Commissioner of Customs for Urban Ports prior to the reshuffle. Mr. Jesse Korboi, former Deputy Commissioner of Customs for Operations, has been transferred to the Budget Department as Manager of the Economic Revitalization Pillar. Mr. T. Ojuku Nyenpan, former Principal Director of the Large Tax Division in the Revenue Department, has been transferred to the Expenditure and Debt Management Department as Deputy Comptroller and Accountant-General for Reconciliation. Mr. Sekou Sanoe, former Deputy Comptroller and Accountant-General for Reconciliation in the Department of Expenditure and Debt Management, has been transferred to the Department of Revenue as Deputy Commissioner for Operations, Division of Internal Revenue. Mr. Robert Johnson, former Audit Manager in the Risk & Compliance Division, is now Principal Director of the Large Tax Division. Others appointed are Daniel J. C. Hayes, Principal Director, Rural Tax; Jeremiah Sackie, Deputy Comptroller and Accountant-General for Technical Services; Stephen Johnson, Technical Focal Person, office of the Deputy Minister for Revenue; Wilma Senkpeni, Principal Director, Medium Tax Division; Mr. Sebastian Weah, Principal Director, Small Tax Division; Cecelia McGill, Senior Customs Collector, Freeport of Monrovia; Benedict Roberts, Assistant Commissioner of Customs for Urban Ports. Meanwhile, the outgoing Senior Customs Collector at the Freeport of Monrovia, Amanda Garnett, and the outgoing Principal Director of the Rural Tax Division, Albert Browne, are slated for reassignment.

Related Captions: Min Konneh Reshuffles MoF Staffs (INSIGHT), Reshuffles At Finance (New Democrat Newspaper),   

AFL Graduates New Recruits

 134 Armed Forces of Liberia recruits, the first set of recruits to be trained solely by officers and enlisted men of the new AFL graduated on March 7, 2014 after successfully completing the Initial Entry Training (IET) which spanned a period of 12 weeks at the Todee military barracks. On December 12, 2013, Defense Minister Brownie J. Samukai inducted 140 recruits into basic recruit training of the Armed Forces of Liberia.  The 140 recruits comprised 121 males as well as 19 females who met the requirement from three different regions including all counties within Liberia. The recruits’ training, conducted in line with international military best practice, covered both practical and theoretical instructions in Drill, Basic Soldering, International Humanitarian Law, as well as instructions on Liberian Civics and the Liberian Constitution. Speaking to the graduates, Brigadier General Daniel D. Ziankahn, Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of Liberia, informed the graduates that the Armed Forces of Liberia, like any other Armed Forces in the World, has its own peculiar challenges. “I will however assure you that as your Chief of Staff that my officers and I will not eat while you starve, we shall not be clothed and expect you to walk naked neither shall we sleep and expect you to be awake. We are in this project of serving our fatherland together and we shall eat, starve, sleep, stay awake, sink or float, together. All we require of you is your commitment and dedication to duties when you arrive at your units at all times,” the Chief of Staff emphasized. For his part, the Deputy Minister for Operation at the Ministry of National Defense, Hon. Saint Jerome Larbelee, assured the Armed Forces of Liberia that the Government of Liberia stands ready to support the professionalism of all entrants into the AFL. He also added that the Government of Liberia is working hard to renovate all military barracks to improve the living conditions of the AFL personnel and their families. The Ministry of National Defense wishes to thank the President and Government of Liberia for providing the funds for this training. During the graduation ceremony, five awards were given to five graduates who performed exceptionally well during the training. Pvt. Prince Y. Zayzay received the Distinguished Honor Graduate Award, Pvt. Elemento V. Peso took the Honor Gradaute Award, Pvt. Alvin M. Nagbe walked out with the Superior Physical Fitness Award, Pvt. Otis Johnson got the Basic Rifle Marksmanship Award and Pvt. Joseph Idriss, Jr., got the Leadership Award.  The second phase of recruits’ training, Advanced Individual Training, will commence next week at Camp Todee, the New Dawn newspaper writes.

Related Captions: AFL Graduates 134 Recruits (INSIGHT), AFL Graduates More Soldiers (New Democrat), AFL Graduates 134 Recruits (Focus Newspaper), ‘Dishonorable Conduct Won’t Be Condoned', Army Chief (Frontpage Africa Newspaper)

Other stories

Executive Mansion: Ellen Has Not Signed CBL Amended Bill Into Law

According to the Heritage Newspaper, the Executive Mansion has described as false and misleading reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf had signed into law the controversial Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) amended Bill. Last week, reports had it that Johnson Sirleaf had penned the controversial CBL amended Bill into Law. But in a weekend interview with the Heritage via cellphone, Presidential Press Secretary, Mr. Jerelimek Mathhew Piah, pointed out that the Executive Mansion, being a responsible entity will not keep in secret, the signing of such a Bill into law.

Prez. Sirleaf Warns Rapists


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has warned rapists that they would be punished in accordance with the law for their action. The President discloses that information reaching her desk states that rate of rape in the country has increased but warned perpetrators to desist from seen women as raping materials, the Daily Observer newspaper reports.


GVL To Build Station In Sinoe

The New Dawn newspaper says as part of its tender process, Golden Veroleum has led a two-day tour of a team of senior civil, electrical and mechanical engineers from four international engineering companies to the company’s proposed mill and bulking sites in Tarjuowon and at the Samuel Alfred Russ Port in Greenville, Sinoe County. The engineering companies include, Sawipac Sdn Bhd, Modipalm Engineering Sdn. Bhd., Zhengzhou Qi E Grain & Oil Machine Co., Jiangsu Myande Food Machinery Co., Ltd, and Zheng Zhou ShengYa Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. During the visit, the engineers toured the proposed mill site in Tarjuowon near Bestnewlue. The tour was followed by a two-day technical meeting aimed at allowing bidders to ask questions and get information regarding the project. “The mill is designed to have a total of 80 tons of fresh fruit bunches per hour. Foundations will be laid down for two lines each of 40 tons per hour. For the first stage a 40 ton per hour line will be built. This will later be extended with another line for a total 80 tons per hour operating capacity,” said Quzwain. He said to make GVL’s commitment to bringing employment, industry and prosperity to Liberia becomes a reality, all is well planned, saying “GVL will start the mill and bulking project this year and complete it within in two to three years’ time.” With GVL operations in Tarjuowon, more than 2,000 jobs are expected to be available to skilled and unskilled local residents, with free schools and clinics, in addition to the indirect creation of a booming environment and a boost in the local economy.

Related Caption: GVL To Build Mill and Bulking Station In Sinoe (Insight Newspaper)

GOL Spends US$387M To Import Food …Says Minister Chenoweth


SUNTIMES newspaperasserts that the Minister of Agriculture Florence Chenoweth has expressed the need for government to support farmers to help increase food production throughout Liberia. She noted that the Government of Liberia expends 387 million United States Dollars to import food from other countries and as such posed a serious threat to the economy.


Tubman University Students Challenged To Agricultural Greatness

Students of Tubman University in Harper, Maryland County have been encouraged to reach for agricultural greatness. Making remarks at the annual William V.S. Tubman University Career Day recently, Golden Veroleum Career Development and Education Manager, Mrs. Jean Hannah-Thompson, encouraged students to focus on the needs of the country by studying agriculture, agronomy and engineering. “There are plenty of well paying positions within GVL for these specific skill sets, particularly for young university graduates,” said Hannah-Thompson. “But you have to be willing to put in the work, the effort and the dedication to succeed.” Liberia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augustine Ngafuan, urged the students to learn to cultivate a habit of hard work and discipline as they study to magnify their chances of success. Also motivating the students, Lonestar Cell MTN Corporate Executive, Rev. Dr. Lawrence Bropleh stressed the essence of time. Dr. Bropleh challenged the students to be time conscious in everything they do, especially on their prospective jobs. The event was attended by representatives of several of the largest firms in Liberia, including International Bank Liberia Limited (IB), National Social Security and Welfare Cooperation, Cavalla Rubber Corporation and the United Nations World Food Program. To date, GVL has assisted in funding or partially funded the education of more than 1,400 college and university students, through its annual scholarship program, which is facilitated through the Ministry of Agriculture. Additionally, the company runs the largest primary school in Sinoe County, which has more than 600 students enrolled. Last year, the company sent its first seven mill engineers to Indonesia for further training. Once they complete the training program there, which is expected to last between 12-18 months, they are to return home and occupy managerial positions in the specific skills set, , the New Dawn newspaper reports.

Ecobank Makes Donation

The maternity ward at the Redemption Hospital in New Kru Town was a scene of joy for women who gave birth last Saturday afternoon as the Management of Ecobank Liberia Limited (ELL) donated assorted food and non-food items to them. About 100 women benefitted from the donation by Ecobank staff led by their Executive Director David Thompson and head of Domestic Banking Madam Doreen McIntosh.  The Administration Assistant to the hospital Administrator Ms. Fascia L. McCaulley and Certified Midwife Mrs. Youngor Jackson escorted the Bank’s delegation to the Maternal Ward to distribute the item, reports the News Newspaper.

Prince Wleh’s Killer on the Run

The Daily Observer reports that Kayee Dargbe, 27, is reportedly on the run from justice after he was identified as the prime suspect in the murder of 27-year-old Prince Toby Wleh. Kayee Dargbe of New Kru Town left his residence after information leaked that he was been sought by police for questioning, he Daily Observer learnt Sunday, March 9. He reportedly sold personal items, including a television set to a neighbor for L$2,000.00 (US$24.00). According to police source, the suspect’s name was leaked by two men who are presently in police custody. The late Prince Wleh was a newly signed member of first division club, Gedi & Sons FC.