Daily Media Summary, 03-06-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of thebrief visit of United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon to Liberia, the United Nations Population Fund’s donation worth US$ 230,000 to the Liberian health sector and the search of a 14-month-old baby in Harper in Maryland County a are all dominant stories in our selected local news dailies for today, Thursday, March 6, 2014. 

Dominant stories

Ban Ki Moon Makes Brief Stop In Liberia, Lauds Peace Progress

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon Tuesday evening made a brief stop in Liberia en route to Freetown, Sierra Leone on his way to attend the official closing ceremonies of the UN Peacekeeping Operations (UNAMSIL) in that neighboring country. During his one-hour transit at the Roberts International Airport (RIA), the UN Boss was officially welcomed by Liberian Foreign Minister, Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, accompanied by outgoing Chief of Protocol Ambassador Elijah Seah and incoming Chief of Protocol  Rufus D. Neufville.  The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Rule of Law, Mr. Tamrat Samuel, was also on hand to receive his boss. Foreign Minister Ngafuan, on behalf of the Liberian Government, expressed gratitude to the UN through Mr. Ban for the positive role it has played and continues to play in Liberia's transition from war to peace and economic recovery.  He commended the Secretary General for UNMIL's presence and noted that Liberians everywhere are appreciative of the enormous contribution UNMIL has made to the peace and stability of the country. For his part, the UN Boss expressed his appreciation for the warm reception accorded him and lauded the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf-led government for the level of progress Liberia has made in its recovery program. The visiting UN Boss also spoke with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf by phone from the Roberts International Airport during which time the two leaders discussed global, continental and Liberia specific issues. Mr. Ban expressed optimism that UN-Liberia relations will continue to improve, while assuring Liberia of the UN's continuous support, FrontPageAfrica newspaper reports.


Related Caption: Ban Ki Moon makes brief stop, lauds peace progress(FrontPageAfrica), Ban Ki Moon Lauds Peaceful Progress(IN PROFILE DAILY), UNSG Briefly Visits Liberia(FOCUS)Ban Ki Moon Makes Brief Stop In Liberia (The News Newspaper), and Ban Ki Moon Makes Brief Stop In Liberia (The Analyst Newspaper)

Health Sector Gets Boost-As UNFPA Makes Over US$200,000 Donation

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has donated three tricycles, six motorbikes, one Nissan Land Cruiser and other assorted items valued at US$230.000 to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) in Congo Town. The items are for use in Grand Kru, Maryland and River Gee Counties. Before handling over the items to the Health Ministry authorities on Wednesday, March 5, Ms. Ratidzai Ndhlovu, UNFPA Resident Representative, stated that in 2013, Liberia was among six countries that received a grant from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) through the H-4 Partnership in the tune of US$6 million. Ms. Ndhiovu stated that in Liberia, the World Health Organization (WHO) is the coordinating agency for the implementation of the grant, which is executed by UNFPA, WHO, UNICEF, UNWOMEN and UNAIDS the Daily Observer reports.

 Related Caption: UNFPA Donates To Ministry of Health(Heritage),UNFPA Donates To Ministry Of Health (New Dawn Newspaper), UNFPA Donates Equipment (The News Newspaper)

For Missing Child


The New Democrat reports that the people of Pulah Town, located about 10-km southeast of Harper in Maryland County, have launched a massive search for a 14-month-old baby girl who mysteriously went missing on February 20th. According to the Liberia News Agency (LINA) the girl’s mother, identified only as Juwledi who is handicapped, is said to have left her baby with a relative to go to sympathize with a bereaved family. While she was away, her husband Matthew Howe returned home and discovered that the baby was nowhere to be found, Matthew then sent for his wife Juwledi, who came home and engaged her relatives who too could not give account of the baby, Police in Maryland County have arrested six people in connection with the disappearance of the child, as investigation continues.


Related Captions: Commissioner Worried About Missing Children In Harper District (Heritage Newspaper) Harper Official Over Missing children (INSIGHT Newspaper)

Other stories

Liberia remains committed to the One China Policy- Says VP Boakai As He Receives New Chinese Envoy

 The new Chinese Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Zhang Yue has said that his country will continue to work with the Government of Liberia (GOL) to further cement the already cordial ties subsisting between the two nations and for the realization of all projects undertaken by China in Liberia. Ambassador Zhang Yue spoke recently on Capitol Hill when he paid a courtesy call on Vice President Joseph N. Boakai at his Capitol Building office. The Chinese Envoy said he was happy to take up his assignment in Liberia and assured VP Boakai, the Government and people of Liberia of his country’s continuous support towards Liberia’s reconstruction programme.  Responding, Vice President Boakai recounted the Chinese Government numerous assistance in the areas of infrastructure, capacity building and investment and reiterated Liberia’s support to the One China Policy, according to the Heritage newspaper.

Liberia-S/Leone Ties Strengthened In China


The New Democrat newspaper quotes Torchlight news online as saying that Ambassadors of Sierra Leone and Liberia to the People’s Republic of China, His Excellencies Victor Bockarie Foh and Jarjar Kamara respectively have called for closer collaboration to achieve development aspirations of their respective countries in the Mano River Union (MRU) Sub Region. This call was made on Wednesday, 19th February during a courtesy call on His Excellency Victor Bockarie Foh by Liberia’s Ambassador to China, Ambassador Jarjar Kamara at the Sierra Leone Embassy in Beijinng.

Liberia Prepares For Int’l Women Day

Liberia will join the rest of the world for a month-long celebration in observance of this year’s International Women’s Day with all 15 political sub-divisions in the country fully participating. A Gender and Development Ministry release says the official program and dialogue will be held at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) in Monrovia, Montserrado County, while other programs and activities will be carried out in the other 14 counties respectively. The activities, according to the Gender Ministry, will include an Official Program, Mentors and Mentees Retreat, Dialogue, School out Reach, Writing Competition, among others commencing from March 1 and running through the 31, 2014, reports the Inquirer Newspaper.

Heads of Health Workers Sacked

The President of the National Health Workers Association and his Secretary General have been dismissed by Health Minister Dr. Walter Gwenigale. Mr. Joseph S. Tamba and George Williams were dismissed on February 28, 2014 days after they returned to work following the nationwide protest for salary increment and other benefits. According to the FOCUS newspaper, the two workers of the National Health Workers Association were dismissed for what the Ministry termed as ‘gross insubordination’ and obstruction of government’s functions in the health sector in all parts of Liberia. The two employees were in the employ of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center and James N. Davies Memorial Hospital respectively.


Farmer’s Organization Receives Support – For SRI Practice In Liberia


Following the adoption of a new method for rice production by Liberian farmers known as the “System of Rice Intensification (SRI), the Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP), based in Paynesville outside Monrovia has received support from the government of Liberia and partners to carry out the implementation of the program. The support is meant to ensure that local farmers engaged in rice production commit themselves to the practice of the SRI to increase the yield of rice in Liberia. Liberian farmers adopted the SRI to grow rice in December last year at a workshop held in Kakata, Margibi County. The SRI is the practice of rice production where less rice seeds are used with less fertilization to increase rice yield.  This method is far different from the conventional method for growing rice. It is a regional agriculture practice now carried out in 13 West African Countries, the Daily Observer newspaper writes.


First Phase Layout of Bopolu City Completed

Bopolu City, the provincial capital of Gbarpolu County, has undergone transformation with the construction and upgrading of several roads and drainages across the city over the past three months. Roads were built in New Bopolu, Dark Forest, Upper Bopolu and Bandi communities, giving the city an urban outlook and making the various communities accessible by vehicles and motorcycles. Funds for the city layout came from the County Development Fund, an allotment given to counties by the government from the National Budget.  Speaking in an interview with the Liberia News Agency (LINA) during a tour of the city recently, Superintendent Allen Gbowee expressed satisfaction over the level of work done by the contractor. He also commended the Project Implementation Unit at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for its cooperation which, he said, led to the full implementation of the first phase of the project.  Superintendent Gbowee hoped that the next phase of the project, which includes the provision of electricity to the citizenry, will be executed soon. Also targeted for the next phase are the fencing of the premises of Radio Gbarpolu and acquisition of studio equipment for the station, the New Dawn newspaper reveals.


600,000 Women Die Annually

The IN PROFILE DAILY reports that following the official launch of the Forum on National Budget and Human Rights Advocacy in Monrovia on Tuesday, the Director of Family Health in Liberia, Cuallaujebbeh Howe, has revealed that each year, nearly 600,000 women died worldwide while 50 million suffer illness and disability due to complications associated with pregnancy and child birth. Director Howe made the disclosure at the launch of the forum held at Marketplace building on Carey and Nelson Streets in Monrovia which was organized by National Budget and Human Rights Advocacy sponsored by civil society organizations and other institutions.  The Forum on National Budget and Human rights Advocacy which is been launched, is aimed at seeking advocacy for the provision of funding in providing good healthcare delivery services for pregnant women and teenagers across the country.


UL Faculty Gets New Leadership

The News Newspaper reports that the Faculty Association of the University of Liberia (ULFA) has a new leadership. According to the Association’s Elections Commission, all of the Formalities pertaining to elections were observed. Those elected include Mr. Clifford J. Young, Sr.  President, Mr. James Yanquoi, Vice President for Operations, Mr. Samuel G. Dahn, Vice President for Administration, Mr. J. Wil Mannie, Sr. and Mrs. Veronica D. Yemi Treasurer. The Election Commissions said it received five applicants expressing their intent for various positions as spelled out in the By-Laws and Constitution of ULFA.

Media, Security Forum Opens Today

According to the News Newspaper, a pilot program on the strategic role of the media in Security Sector Reform (SSR) opens in Monrovia today at the PA’s Rib House in Sinkor. The pilot program which is expected to be attended by community members of the African Center for Strategic Studies, Public Relation Officers from the Ministry of National Defense and Liberia National Police, as well as journalists from media institutions in the country. The forum is aimed at discussing the strategic role of the media in SSR and problems of the media engagement with the security sector.

BSP Resumes Scholarship Program in Liberia

The New Republicnewspaper reports that the BSP has announced the commencement of the Branson Scholarship Program (BSP) in Liberia. BS Program is organized in partnership with Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship in South Africa. A statement from the group said the aim of the scholarship program is to develop Liberian entrepreneurs that will act as a catalyst to spearhead the development and acceleration of a viable private sector-led economy in Liberia.