Daily Media Summary, 02-09-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.




News of Togolese President and head of ECOWAS initiatives in the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease, His Excellency Faure Essozimna Gnassingbe disclosure that the European Union has consented to host a high-level meeting in Brussels, Belgium for financingImage removed. post-Ebola reconstruction in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra, President Johnson Sirleaf’s  commendation to AmeriCares for its numerous interventions in the country, especially during the Ebola period and the Liberian leader’s  dedication of a Duraplast plastic Factory and Recycling Plant are among stories dominating our summary of  today’s local dailies.




Visiting Togolese Leader Outlines Post-Ebola Liberia Plans

The President of Togo and ECOWAS’ head of the region’s Ebola Virus Disease Response and Eradication Process, His Excellency Faure Essozimna Gnassingbe has disclosed that the European Union has consented to host a high-level meeting in Brussels, Belgium for financingImage removed. post-Ebola reconstruction in the three worst affected countries (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) on March 3, 2015. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Gnassingbe made the disclosure during a press stakeout following a meeting with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. The Togolese President was accompanied on the one-day solidarity visit to Liberia by the President of the ECOWAS Commission Kadré Désire Ouédrago on Friday, February 6. President Gnassingbe was asked to supervise the process following the endorsement of the Regional Integrated Operational Plan for response to the Ebola virus by ECOWAS Heads of State and Government during a regional summit in Accra, Ghana on November 6, 2014. President Gnassingbe used the occasion to renew his solidarity and support to President Sirleaf, the Government and people of Liberia and on behalf of the ECOWAS Chairman, His Excellency John Mahama, say how proud they are of the Liberian President. “We would like to thank you for your leadership in steering this Ebola crisis,” he said. In brief remarks, the President of the ECOWAS Commission Kadré Désire Ouédrago seized the opportunity to pay tribute to the vision and leadership of President Sirleaf and commended the Government and people of Liberia for the heroic and successful fight against Ebola which led to the positive results the country is observing now. President Sirleaf promised the Togolese President’s fullest support in ensuring that his mandate will be carried out successfully, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions: Time To Hold Together-Togolese President Gnassinbe Cautions Liberian(The New Republic), Togolese President Assures Support To Fight Against Ebola(Heritage)


Ellen Lauds AmeriCares For Support To Ebola Fight

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has commended AmeriCares for its numerous interventions in the country, especially during the Ebola period. The Liberian leader named the provision of medical equipment, medicines and services to crucial health facilities as key interventions made by the group during the Ebola crisis. She made the commendation last Friday at her Foreign Ministry office during a meeting with an AmeriCares delegation from the United States, headed by its chief executive officer and President, Michael Nyenhuis. AmeriCares’ CEO Nyenhuis, in remarks earlier, expressed gratefulness for being able to work with the Health Ministry during a critical time in the country’s history. He pointed out that just over a year ago AmeriCares identified Liberia as an operational area because of the great potential of the country, the credible and effective leadership of President Sirleaf and the compelling needs of the Liberian people. “In the next few months,” he said, “AmeriCares work focused mainly in Grand Bassa County, where assistance will be targeted to the upgrading of the Government-run hospital in Buchanan, support maternal child health and ensure protection and safety of healthcare workers”.  He told President Sirleaf that the group is about to assess schools in Grand Bassa to make interventions in the water and sanitation sectors as schools are about to re-open in the country, reports the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: Ellen Meets Visiting AmeriCares Delegation (The News), Americares Delegation Visits Liberia(In Profile Daily), Pres. Sirleaf Meets Visiting AmeriCares Delegation(The Analyst), Americares Liberia Impact Lauded- CEO MeetsPresident (FrontPage Africa), Ellen Meets AmeriCares Delegation(The New Dawn)


Ellen: ‘Stay Off The Radio; Work To Boost Economy’


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has called on Liberians to stay off the radios and work harder to boost the country’s economy in order to make Liberia proud. She said the plenty talking on the radio by Liberians will carry the country nowhere, so they should rather get involved in agriculture and industrial activities, establishing their own business and promoting Liberian entrepreneurship. The Liberian leader made the comment at the dedication ceremony Saturday of Sethi Brothers Inc./Duraplast plastic Factory and Recycling Plant on Bushrod Island. She called on Liberians to promote Liberian businesses by purchasing locally produced goods as not doing so will defeat the potential to grow Liberian owned business and create the enabling economic environment that the government is trying to promote, Heritage newspaper reports.


Related Captions: ‘Stop The Plenty Talking’-Pres. Sirleaf Growls; Says It Way Carry Country Nowhere (The New Republic), Sethi Bolsters Economy-Dedicates First Muti-Purpose Plastic Factory(The New Republic), Ellen Dedicates Sethi Brothers' Recycling Plant (The News), Pres. Sirleaf Dedicates Sethi Beothers’ Duraplast And Recycling Plant  (INSIGHT), Ellen Inaugurates Muti-Million  Factory(The Inquirer), Industrial Complexes Spring Up--As Sethi Dedicates New Factory(The New Dawn)


Aureus, Aminata Sign US90M Deal


Aureus Mining Company and Aminata and Sons, have entered into a US$90 million (Ninety Million) counteract for the supply of petroleum product to Aureus Mining new Liberty Gold Mining Project in grand Cape Mount County. Speaking at the signing ceremony, the General Manager of Aureus Mining Company, Mr. Debar Allen said Aminata dealer in petroleum service delivery meets the standard and has demonstrated the capacity to deliver more than any of its competitors in the sector. For his part, the Minister of Lands, Mines and Energy Mr. Patrick Sandolo, said Aureus Gold Mining project represents lot of “firsts” in Liberia. He described the project as “the first industrial size gold mining operation in Liberia ever, and the first new mining operation in Liberia to commence in 2015, the New Republic reports.


Related Captions: US$90m Agreement Signed For Supply Of Petroleum Products(Heritage), Aminata Strikes 90,000,000 Deal With Bea Mountain- For Petroleum Supply To Party(The Analyst), Aminata Seals $90M Fuel Deal(New Democrat), Aminata, Bea Mountain Strick US$90 Deal(INSIGHT), US$90MPetroleum Accord Signed(The News)


Pres. Sirleaf Urges Liberians To Take On Leadership And Make A Difference


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has urged Liberians to take on leadership by making the difference in whatever they do. She emphasized that leadership takes place in all sphere of society – home, schools, organizations; adding that leadership is that person who is willing to stand up to make a difference; to do something in a positive way setting examples for others to follow. In her brief comments, she inspired them to stand up wherever they are and do something to make a difference which is what the society needs, INSIGHT reports.


Related Captions: Pres. Sirlaf Wants Leadership Exemplified At All Levels(In Profile Daily), Pres. Sirleaf Attends Global Leadership Summit(FOCUS)


U.S. Army Donates Books, Provisions To Grand Bassa County

The United States Army contingent is Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, has donated cartons of books and provisions to the people of the county. In addition to the books, items donated Friday are soap, lotions, sanitizers, shampoos, toothpaste and toothbrushes, according to the Liberia News Agency. Making the presentation at the Administration Building Friday, US Army Commander, Lt. Col. Abel Young, thanked the people of Bassa for the hospitality accorded them and the level of cooperation received from the county administration since their arrival late last year. Receiving the items, Superintendent Etweda Cooper thanked members of the U.S. Army for the gesture, and promised that the items will be distributed to hospitals, orphanages and old folks homes, INSIGHT reports.


Related Captions: U.S. Army Donates Books, Provisions To Grand Bassa County(In Profile Daily), U.S. Army Donates Books, Provisions To Grand BassaCounty (Heritage)




UNFPA, Partners Donate US$57K Kits To Ebola Survivors, Widows & Others

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in collaboration with Touching Humanity in Need of Kindness (THINK) Inc.,  and partners has donated US$57,000 worth of items including 150 mattresses, anti -Ebola materials and women’s items to Ebola survivors, widows and victims of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)  in Kakata, Margibi county. Making the donation last Friday, the Executive Director of THINK, Rosana D.H. Schaack, said the donation to Ebola survivors, widows, victims of SGBV was to put smiles on their faces by encouraging them that there is still hope despite the difficulties they went through. She said the donation is targeting females within six counties, including Cape Mount, Bomi, Lofa, Nimba, Bong and Margibi counties. She said the decision taken by the UNFPA and partners to help the women was timely and would forever be remembered. An Ebola survivor Tina Varney thanked UNFPA and partners for putting smiles on their faces and making them believe that they are still part of the society, reports the Daily Observer.


China Gives U.S.$2 Million Ebola Food Aid

The Government of the Peoples' Republic of China has given an additional US$2million worth of food items to Liberia as part of the Government of Liberia's Ebola Response. The food items have been turned over to the Government of Liberia (GOL) and placed in the custody of the World Food Programme (WFP) for onward distribution to Ebola Units and other related areas. Speaking at the handing over ceremony yesterday at the Freeport of Monrovia, WFP Country Director, Madam Adama Diop Faye, said the WFP has been supporting efforts of the government in putting in place the logistical mechanisms to deliver food items as part of the Ebola Response. The WFP Country Director commended the government and people of China for their constant support to the Ebola response especially support given to the World Food Programme over the years. Also speaking at the ceremony, Chinese Ambassador to Liberia, Zhang Yue said the donation of the food items is an example of a typical tripartite cooperation among China, the WFP and the Government of Liberia. Receiving the food items on behalf of the Government of Liberia, the head of the incident Management Team and Assistant Health Minister, Tolbert Nyenswah, praised the Chinese Government for their numerous donations in making the Ebola response effective. He lauded China in assisting Liberia making reference to the New Health Ministry edifice, the construction of an ETU, the building of the Jackson F. Doe Memorial Hospital in Nimba County and the refurbishing of the JFK Memorial Hospital among others, reports the Inquirer newspaper.


Related Caption: China Reaches Out To Health Workers, Schools(The New Republic)


We-Care Foundation Trains 33 Teachers Educators

WE-CARE Foundation (WE-CARE), a local Education NGO, under its Critical Thinking Liberia (CT-L) program has ended the first of four training workshops for teacher trainers of the rural teacher training institutes (RTTIs) in the country. The workshop, which took place at the KRTTI in Kakata, Margibi County, ran from January 27 - 30, 2015 and brought together 30 trainer-participants from KRTTI, WRTTI & ZRTTI, and three staff from the Ministry of Education and WE-CARE. The KRTTI workshop was an initiative of the WE-CARE Foundation in partnership with Ministry of Education, with support from the Open Society Foundation (OSF) through OSIWA Monrovia Office, writs the inquirer newspaper.


IMF Grants US$100M Debt Relief-To Ebola Hardest-hit Countries

According to the News newspaper, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) granted debt relief of about $100m (£65m) three Ebola hardest-hit nations, Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. The three countries had been under pressure to relieve the financial burden placed on them following the outbreak of the Ebola virus. The IMF also urged other international lenders or groups to take similar action as it established a catastrophe containment relief trust to provide grants to countries suffering epidemics and other natural disasters. The trust will provide the money to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea so they can pay off debt to the IMF. The IMF also offered the West African states US$160m of new interest-free loans.


Swedes Rehabilitating 600km Of Roads In 3 Counties


The Ministry of Public Works has disclosed that a total of 600km of feeder roads will be rehabilitated in Bong, Nimba and Lofa counties under the Liberia Swedish Feeder Road project (LSFRP). Public Works Minister William Gyude Moore told the just-ended Cabinet Retreat held in Julijuah, Bomi County, that maintenance work on 494km of the 600km feeder roads in the three counties is currently ongoing, INSIGHT reports.


Related Caption: Swedes Rehabilitating 600km Of Roads In 3 Counties(Heritage)


AFL Holds  58th Anniversary Symposium Today…Presents Back-To-School Package To Orphans In Buchanan


The Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) under the Ministry of National Defense has commenced activities marking its 58thanniversary celebrations which are expected to climax on Wednesday, February 11, at the Barclay Training Center in Monrovia. The AFL is expected to hold a one day symposium today under the theme, “Military Support to Civil Authorities: the Way Forward”, at the Monrovia City Hall while the parade ceremony to climax the entire celebrations will take place on Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. In the Barclay Training Center, the Inquirer writes.


River Cess By-Election Set For April 21


The National Elections Commission (NEC) has issued the writ of election for the holding of the River Cess County District #2 By-Election. The writ of election for the River Cess County District #2 By-Election was issued by the Chairman of NEC Cllr. Jerome George Korkoya through the Clerk of Writs at the NEC Madam Antoinette B. Johnson on River Cess County Election Magistrate Mr. Bill Tonpoe on Friday, February 6, 2015 for the holding of the River Cess County district #2 By-Election. NEC is the body by law that is responsible for the conduct of all electoral activities within the territorial confines of Liberia. The River Cess County District #2 By-Election is triggered by Article 37 of the Liberian Constitutions, Heritage reports.


Agric Ministry To Train 156 To Boost Human Resource


The Ministry of Agriculture has embarked on a human resources development program aimed at training a total of 156 employees in various academic disciplines and at different levels. Disclosing this during the recent Cabinet Retreat in Julijuah, Bomi County Minister Florence Chenoweth indicated that 92 staffers have already been trained from the program. According to the minister, 63 persons completed highly competitive certificate programs, 28 obtained Master’s degrees and a staffer successfully concluded a PhD program, adding, “This number is complemented by other candidates who are still undergoing training”, In Profile Daily reports.


Related Caption: Agric Ministry To Train 156 to Boost Human Resource(Heritage)


CBL Trains 101 Senior, Middle-Level Employees

The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) sponsored a total of 101 senior and middle-level employees to attend various workshops and seminars in and out of the country during 2014. The report said the training courses included specialized report writing skills, presentation techniques, basic statistics, Econometrics, research methods, bank supervision, enterprise risk management, data analysis for macroeconomics and debt management. The annual report further said that the total number of employees of CBL as of December 31, 2014 was 311 compared to 301 employees at the end of December 2013, Heritage writes.