Liberian Community in Nigeria Congratulates President Weah

Abuja, January 27, 2018:The Organization of Liberian Communities in Nigeria (OLICON) has extended its heartfelt congratulations to His Excellency, George Manneh Weah, on his election and inauguration as president of the Republic of Liberia.


A release from the Liberian Embassy in Abuja says the Diaspora Liberian group in Nigeria through its congratulatory message, wishes to affirm its aspiration to partner with President Weah’s government “so that collectively we can promote peace, unity and national development in our country.”


Mr. Daodo Kanneh, OLICON’s President, writing on behalf of the Liberians in Nigeria, says the hundreds of Liberians in this part of the world are confident that the trust the Liberian people placed in President Weah will inspire him to make important efforts in promoting Liberia’s unity and sustain the current peace that will lead Liberia on the path of prosperity, further well-being and security.


The release further quotes the congratulatory message as saying: “The Liberian community in Nigeria welcomes your election as president of our dear country. Your presidency represents a promising moment in our nation’s history and testifies to the confidence which the people of Liberia have placed in you to chart the future course of our nation. It also emphasises that your commitment to being in politics is to inspire hope and delivery to the people of Liberia”.


“Please accept, Mr. President, our sincere wishes for the success of your administration, for the personal well-being of yourself and your family and the prosperity of Liberia”, the congratulatory message concludes.


According to the release, OLICON is the umbrella body of Liberians in Nigeria that serves as a vehicle to mobilize and develop resourceful citizens who will in turn contribute meaningfully towards the progress and development of Liberia.


The group comprises of Liberians cut across the Nigerian Federal Republic of 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja, the release concludes.