Daily Media Summary 2018-04-23

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The detention of Mr. Jonathan Williams by the Liberia National Police for confessing that he allegedly killed journalist Tyron Browne on April 15 in Monrovia, turning over of projects in by Red Cross, the renewal of  the UN Security Council’s support to Liberia are among selected stories for today’s summary.


Journalist’s Murderer Speaks Out

Mr. Jonathan Williams, the man who gruesomely murdered young Liberian journalist Tyron Browne, says he thought the deceased was an armed robber. Suspect Williams said he stabbed the victim with a knife after the deceased allegedly knocked his (suspect’s) head on the wall. Police Spokesman Moses Carter told a press conference at the Liberia National Police (LNP) headquarters on Friday, 20 April that suspect Williams said he and his two nieces Alice and Elwina Youtey were at home in Du-port Road on Sunday night, 15 April when murdered journalist Browne went there and knocked at the door. In his testimony, Mr. carter says suspect Williams narrates that he was called from his room by his relative who stays with him in Du-port Road, Alice Youtey “to inform him of a strange individual that had knocked at his door” in the evening hours of Sunday, 15 April. Alice says she reported to her sister Elwina that an unknown individual was knocking the door. She alleges that journalist Browne did not disclose his identity when Elwina asked. They say it further instilled fear in them, thus informing their uncle Jonathan Williams about the incident. Quoting witnesses’ testimonies, Mr. Carter says prime suspect Williams came out with a knife and asked who victim Browne wanted to see. When Browne allegedly replied that he did not want to see anyone, suspect Williams allegedly ordered the victim to leave his compound because he was trespassing. According to Mr. Carter, suspect Williams alleges that victim Browne questioned what he would do if he did not leave the compound, thus prompting the suspect to push the victim outside. A scuffle then ensued in the interval of pushing journalist Browne outside, “and they started fighting with the knife in suspect Williams’ hand,” Mr. Carter adds. Suspect Williams alleges that victim Browne knocked his head on the wall, after which he (Williams) used the knife to stab the fallen journalist. According to Mr. Carter, suspect Williams is in police custody undergoing further interrogation to substantiate circumstances that led to the death of the journalist, reads the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: Prime Suspect Investigated-LNP Reveals (In Profile Daily), “I Killed The Journalist”…Man Claims(The INQUIRER) and Jonathan Williams Confesses To Killing Journalist Browne, But More Questions Abound (Daily Observer).In a related development, the FrontPage Africa reports under the caption “Former Police Chief Under Probe For Journalist's Death” that Atty. Chris Massaquoi, former Inspector General of the Liberia National Police, has been invited by the Police for questioning in connection with the murder of journalist Tyron Brown. The daily quotes Atty. Massaquoi as saying that the murder suspect, Jonathan Williams, sought his legal advice on Friday, April 20 upon admitting to him that he was responsible for the death. Massaquoi said he told the suspect that he could not represent him as his lawyer. “I told him, you have to turn yourself in,” he said. The former Police IG said he did not know the suspect and their meeting on Friday was the first.


VP Howard-Taylor Stresses Innovative Technology In Solving Africa’s Development Challenges

The In Profile Daily says Liberia’s Vice President Chief/ Dr. Jewel Howard-Taylor has spoken of the need for Africans to   use innovative technology to solve Africa’s development challenges. VP Howard-Taylor, however, stressed that the people of Africa (both urban and rural) need “Knowledge and information on the use of today’s innovation to be on speed pace of our one world. Addressing hundreds of women delegates Friday April 21, 2018, when she served as keynote speaker at this year’s Inaugural African Women Summit for Peace and Development in Abuja, Nigeria, the Liberian Vice President declared that    innovation is only driven by knowledge. According to a dispatch from Abuja, Nigeria, VP-Howard-Taylor is quoted as saying that not only the access technology brings but   the fruits of the usage of technology which make life easier to manage. Speaking on the Theme ‘The role of the Women as a catalyst for sustainable development leveraging on innovative technology’, the first female Liberian Vice president also identified Health, Business, Agriculture and Governance as other crucial areas that can be explored through innovative technology to solve Africa’s development challenges. 


Related Caption: VP Taylor: Investing In Innovative Technology Key To Africa's Growth(The New Dawn)


China Union Liberia Sends 2 Liberians for Training

According to the New Dawnnewspaper, the Management of the China Union (Liberia) Bong Mining Company LTD, says despite its shrinking financial difficulty occasioned by the low price of iron ore on the world market, it will continue to provide training opportunity for Liberians. The China Union management notes that in keeping with its corporate – social responsibility program as enshrined in the Mineral Development Agreement, (MDA) signed between it and the Liberian Government, it has sent two medical staff of the Bong Mines Hospital for further studies in China. Speaking in an interview with the Liberia News Agency in Bong Mines, Public Relations Coordinator Morris Tate says the two medical staff, Veronica Adu, 31, Officer –In Charge, Out Patient Department, (OPD) and Gormah Yeanga, 39, Supervisor will join their counterparts to undergo two months intensive training in malaria control and prevention. The training is also intended to improve malaria control and prevention system in developing countries around the world. Meanwhile, the resumption of mining activities is expected shortly at the Bong range in Fuamah District, Lower Bong County.


Manneka Dedicates Ebola Memorial Site In Bomi County  

The New Dawnnewspaper says an Ebola Memorial Sitehas been dedicated in Bomi County. Speaking at the dedication ceremony held on Friday, April 20, in Vortor Town Mon-Feh Clan in Blugban Chiefdom, Dewein District, Chief Executive Officer of Mambu Quoi says the Ebola memorial site is intended to remind Liberians and next generation of residents in the district about the impact of the Ebola crisis in Liberia. Mr. Quoi stresses that it is good for the people to reflect on the past in order to take precaution about sanitation and hygiene within their communities. He explains that the site will serve as a reminder of those who died in the process and a reflection of what has happened in the district particularly the surrounding towns and villages as the results of the Ebola crisis in the country. He indicated that the Ebola Memorial Site project was implemented by Mambu Incorporated and sponsored by Geneva Global and Capital for Good. He pointed out that Liberians should unite in order to foster development across the country.


Related Caption:Manneka Dedicates Ebola Memorial Site In Bomi County(In Profile Daily)


Red Cross Turns Over Projects In Two Counties

The Liberia National Red Cross (LNRCS) has turned over projects including hand pumps and latrines to disaster affected communities in Montserrado and Margibi Counties, concluding a US$539,729.00 project supported by the Japanese Government. During the official turning over programs in Kartoe Town, Todee District of Montserrado on Friday and in Sand Town of Margibi County on Saturday, LNRCS President Mr. Jerome Clark appreciated the intervention of the Japanese government for coming to the rescue of Liberians.  Mr. Clark challenged the communities to take good care of the facilities, reminding them that the Japanese Government spent more than half million U.S. dollars in the two counties for the projects which include construction and rehabilitation of latrines, hand pumps, distribution of food and non - food items, and shelter materials, among others. He encourages the locals to look after the facilities, mainly for those that have been trained in the communities to repair the hand pumps and work on the latrines if they have problems, reads the New Dawn newspaper. 


UN Security Council Renews Support For Liberia


The New Dawnnewspaper reports that the United Security Council (UNSC) on Thursday April 19 renewed its commitment to support the peace process in the country. The UNSC made the renewed commitment following its final meeting on Thursday about security situations in Liberia. The meeting comes nearly 15 years after it unanimously adopted Resolution 1509 establishing the 15,000 strong stabilization force for Liberia. The Council commended the progress made in Liberia since 2003 including the peaceful transfer of democratic power, improvements in overall security, social cohesion and human rights. According to a dispatch from Liberia's Permanent Mission to the United Nations, the Council, during the meeting, also received the final report of the Secretary General on the United Nations Mission in Liberia. Presenting the SG's report, Assistant Secretary General for Rule of Law and Security Institutions Alexander Zuev described the moment as a historic milestone and remarkable demonstration of confidence that the country is moving steadfastly along the path of sustained peace.


LRA Reports Revenue Shortfall

The Liberia Revenue Authority or LRA reports a shortfall of US$5.095 million for March 2018, representing 7.8 percent. The LRA says, gross revenues collected during March 2018 were US$52.283 million and LRD 1.054 billion, respectively with consolidated value at the average realized exchange rate of 130.60LRD/1USD at US$60.355 million, which fell below its monthly target of US$65.449 million by US$5.095 million, an equivalent of 7.8 percent. In a performance report for the period under review, the LRA notes that total collection for the month in the current fiscal year, when compared to the same period last fiscal year 16/17, show a significant drop in domestic revenue from US$50.604 million to US$40.082 million, an equivalent of US$15.617 million or 31 percent. According to a release, the drop in domestic revenue in the current period is attributed to LPRC Road Fund, WH on salaries and Wages, import duties on general imports, international GST, excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco and non-remittance of dividends budget support from the National Port Authority, according to the New Dawn newspaper.


Liberia’s First Lady Identifies With Vulnerable Groups

According to the In Profile Daily, Liberia’s First Lady Clar Weah on Saturday, April 21 identified with the Liberian Youth Christian Foundation in Neezoe community and the Diana E. Davis Orphanage Home in Brewerville, Monsterrado County as part of FIFA’s Corporate Social Welfare Committee gesture to vulnerable communities in the Country. Madam Weah praised the care providers for giving hope to the children of Liberia which she added are key components under her agenda.


Pres. Weah To Help KAK’s Children …Journalist Monbo Also Pledges Support

According to the INQUIRER newspaper, a Trust Fund has been launched by the Press Union of Liberi (PUL) in memory of its former President, Kamara Abdullai Kamara  (KAK),  while President George Manneh Weah has made a commitment to support three of the deceased’s young children. The fallen former PUL President, who was born in 1972 is survived by four children, his widow and aging parents. The daily said the Liberian leader made the commitment at the weekend during an inter-religious memorial service organized by the PUL at the Monrovia City Hall in Monrovia. The daily says earlier, Liberian Journalist Tom Winston Monbo had promised to take care of one of the children of the late KAK.


AFL Conducts First HIV, STIs Risk Survey

The In Profile Daily reads that the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) with support from the United States Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment Program (DHAPP) is conducting its first HIV Scro-prevalence and Behavioral Epidemiology Risk Survey (SABERS) in all AFL barracks and operational site. The survey is being done in collaboration with Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International to determine the HIV prevalence and other STIs in the AFL. The survey which started April 20, will end on June 4, 2018. It covers all AFL active duty soldiers and their spouses. The soldiers and their spouses are providing blood and during specimens to be tested for HIV and other STIs. Speaking on the timeliness of the survey, Lt. Colonel Theophilus A. Dana, Brigade Commander, AFL because it is enshrined within the Chief of Staff’s vision for the AFL. “Our soldiers need to be fit and mission ready at all times and we want to encourage every soldier and his/her spouse to be part of the process,” he emphasized.