Liberia Consoles the Russian Federation on Tragic Suicide Bombing

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the Government and people of the Russian Federation following a tragic suicide bombing on Monday, April 3, 2017 claiming the lives of at least 14 persons and fatally injuring several others.  


The St. Petersburg metro attack was carried out by a suicide bomber originally from the central Republic of Kyrgyzstan, authorities said. The Russian Investigative Committee said the attack was carried out by Akbarjon Djalilov, (22), identified earlier by Kyrgyz authorities as a Russian national born in Kyrgyzstan. Investigators matched Djalilov‘s DNA to a bomb left at a second metro station that was defused by authorities, the Committee said. 


According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the message to the President of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr. Vladimir Putin, the Liberian leader extended heartfelt condolences to the Government and people of his country especially the victims and bereaved families.  


While expressing deep sorrow over the incident, President Sirleaf stressed that during this very troubling time, the Government of Liberia joins the international community in strongly condemning such vicious act. 


She hoped that as the Russians endure this tragic attack, there will be renewed solidarity among the people. 


Again, offering heartfelt condolences to all Russians, President Sirleaf extended her thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families and hoped that fortitude would be ignited as the people of Russia endure this difficult period of national mourning.