UN Security Council Extends UNMIL’s Mandate till March 30, 2018; UN Secretary-General to Complete Withdrawal of UNMIL Components by April 30, 2018

The United Nations Security Council has extended, for a final period, the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) until March 30, 2018.  It also requested the United Nations Secretary-General to complete the withdrawal of all uniformed and civilian UNMIL components, other than those required to complete the Mission’s liquidation by April 30, 2018.


According to a dispatch from New York, the decision, taken on Thursday, December 22, 2016, was reached to adopt UN Security Council resolution 2333 (2016) with 12 votes in favor and three abstentions (France, Russia Federation, United Kingdom), acting under United Nations Chapter VII Charter.



UNMIL’s mandate now includes the protection of civilians, advising the Liberian Government on the reform of justice and security institutions, supporting the Liberian Government in carrying out the promotion, protection and monitoring of human rights, strengthening efforts to combat sexual and gender-based violence, and to protect United Nations personnel, installations and equipment.



The UN Security Council also authorized UNMIL to assist the Liberian Government, as requested and within its capabilities, with logistical support, including aviation support, to meet urgent gaps in the country’s capabilities for the 2017 presidential and legislative electoral process, including voter registration, in particular to facilitate access to remote areas.



On the force structure, the UN Security Council further decided to reduce the Mission’s remaining 1,240 military personnel to a ceiling 434, and its police to 310 personnel. However, it requests the UN Secretary-General to ensure that the police component has the requisite professional skills and experience to develop the leadership, internal management, professionalization and accountability mechanisms of the Liberia National Police.



On the issues of governance and national reconciliation, the UN Security Council urged the Liberian Government to prioritize national reconciliation and economic recovery, to combat corruption and to promote efficiency and good governance in particular by continuing to strengthen transparency and accountability, including by effectively managing the country’s natural resources for the benefit of all the people of Liberia.



The Council emphasized the importance of pursuing a national reconciliation and social cohesion strategy through concrete measures to promote national healing, justice and reconciliation at all levels and involving all Liberian stakeholders. It further emphasized women’s important role in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and in peace building.


The Council also stressed the responsibility of and the need of the Liberian Government to prepare for 2017 elections, including through support for electoral institutions; and further called upon all parties to ensure that the elections are free, fair, peaceful and transparent, including through the full participation of women.


The Council emphasized the need for expanded efforts by Liberian authorities to address the root causes of conflict, reinvigorate national and local reconciliation processes, promote land reform, advance constitutional and institutional reforms, especially of the rule of law and security sectors, combat sexual and gender-based violence, and build the trust between Liberian citizens and state institutions and processes.



The UN Security Council urged the Liberian Government to prioritize resourcing for critical gaps to improve the capacity and capability of the Liberia National Police and the Liberia Immigration Service, as well as the justice sector, including courts and prisons, enabling the promotion of human rights and reconciliation, effective oversight, professionalism, transparency and accountability across all security institutions and strengthening democratic institutions and extension of state authority and services throughout the country for the benefit of all Liberians.


On regional and inter-mission cooperation, the Council called on the Governments of Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire to continue their cooperation, particularly with respect to the border area, including through increased monitoring, information sharing, and coordinated actions in implementing the shared border strategy and to support the disarmament and repatriation of armed elements on both sides of the border and the voluntary return of refugees in safety and dignity.


The Council recalled the intention to transfer the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) quick reaction force to the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), where it would continue to support UNMIL.  It also recalled its authorization to the Secretary-General to deploy that unit to Liberia in the event of serious deterioration of the security situation.


After the vote, the representative of the United States, acknowledging that Liberia had taken more responsibility for functions and assumed full responsibility for security tasks, said that despite more than 12 years of peace, institutions were still fragile, and impunity and corruption were all too common.  Recalling that there would be a peaceful transition of power in 2017 through free, fair and inclusive elections, she said the presence of UNMIL was necessary to assist the Government throughout those polls. 


Explaining why his country had abstained from the vote, the representative of the Russian Federation said it was unacceptable to extend the mandate while “blue helmets” only had peacebuilding tasks.  He did not understand why armed peacekeepers were necessary for carrying out peaceful duties.  Stressing that the mandate extension would divert contingents and resources the Organization needed in other hot spots, he said the proposal to deploy the rapid reaction force from Mali had been ignored.


France’s representative, in comments echoed by the United Kingdom’s delegate, said he had abstained because, after a long period of peacekeeping, Liberia had now entered a period of peacebuilding.  The draft, however, maintained a culture of dependence, and extended a military mission despite that there was no threat to international peace and stability posed by the country.  If required for elections or other needs, the rapid reaction force stationed in Côte d’Ivoire could be deployed. 


The representative of Liberia thanked the Council members, including those who had abstained.  He had noted all the concerns expressed but recognized that the action would go a long way to consolidate the gains made by signaling the Council’s willingness to support success.  “A grateful nation looked forward to its continued engagement, to working with UNMIL, and to bringing that Mission to an end in one year,” he said.


Representatives of Angola, China, Uruguay, New Zealand and Spain also made remarks.